• SCPS adds online health care degree

    SCPS adds online health care degree

    Elizabethtown College’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS) recently introduced a new online bachelor’s degree offering in Health Care Administration. According to the SCPS website, the addition “blends the theory, design, management and practice of healthcare into a comprehensive learning program,” which is designed to prioritize “ethics, fiscal responsibility, technological solutions, critical thinking and

  • BCA offers new short-term study abroad option in Exeter, London

    Brethren Colleges Abroad (BCA) recently added a short-term study abroad option to their program choices. Led by Exeter native Dr. Stephen Burwood and Dr. Linnea Goodwin Burwood, students will experience British culture and history through a short term stay in London and Exeter. A four-credit class titled “Living with History: History, Culture and Contemporary Life

  • Dining Services assures there will be no immediate changes to meal plans

    The news feeds of Elizabethtown College students have been full of posts regarding rumored changes that will affect student meal plans. Students rallied together in an effort to explain their position to the dining services staff by starting a Facebook page called “Let Students Choose: Elizabethtown College Dining Services.” Online petitions and discussions about the



  • Movie review: “Paranorman” fails to impress

    Movie review: “Paranorman” fails to impress

    I was reluctant to see ParaNorman because of its trailer. The trailer, if you haven’t seen it, consists of a sad-looking boy named Norman with the ability to see and talk to ghosts. He is disliked by most of his town for being different. He is accompanied by his chubby and eccentric red-headed friend (why

  • Numerous national shootings spark gun control debate

    Over the past few weeks, if you’ve been near a TV, newspaper, computer, or another human being, you’ve probably heard of multiple gun-related incidents: Colorado, Wisconsin, New York and Maryland; twenty people have been killed, and an additional eighty-two injured. Now, if you’re privy to this, chances are it was through the internet, which has

  • Moving On: A Senior’s Reflection

    Moving On: A Senior’s Reflection

    In two weeks Elizabethtown College is asking five hundred of its most dedicated, hard-working students to politely leave. Throwing us through the Etown bubble into a world that four years of classes taught us is in ruins. Deserting us for a new batch of unpolished, wide-eyed 18-year-olds who know more about Snooki and iCarly than