Thursday Oct. 27, in Gibble Auditorium candidate Christina Hartman came to speak at a meet and greet for the Elizabethtown College Democrats. Hartman is running as the Democratic nominee for the 16th district seat in the House of Representatives. Hartman was introduced by Lancaster County Democratic Committee City Chair Diane Topakian and spoke mainly about
READ MOREElizabethtown College Artist-in-Residence guitarist David Cullen traveled to New York Friday, Oct. 28, where he performed at Carnegie Hall. Cullen took the opportunity to demonstrate his abilities as an experienced musician when he was invited to the city last weekend. Carnegie Hall is home to many music programs and hosts a vast number of concerts
READ MOREThis past week at our senate meeting, we had the special opportunity to meet with members of the College’s senior staff, including President Strikwerda, Dean Calenda and Vice President for Administration and Finance Robert Wallet. Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs Betty Rider, Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Community Relations David Biedleman and Executive
READ MOREOne of the most important lessons that all of us have to learn in life is how to get out of our own self-centeredness and realize that we are members of a larger community, one that depends on respect for other people and people taking responsibility for their own actions. We must treat others as
READ MOREIf you are one of those students who did not get the oh-so-wonderful opportunity to spend your entire summer interning and will have a lot of free time on your hands this summer, then this article is for you. So what fun things are there to do this summer? Well I am guessing that most
READ MOREIn times of crisis, people usually put aside their differences to try to work together for the common good. This was demonstrated after many major tragedies: 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and most recently the Boston Marathon bombings. As the magnitude of this horror became more apparent, people in Boston and throughout the nation came together to
READ MOREIn the past few years, certain songs have spurred Internet dance sensations that have had thousands of people joining the movement. One of the firsts was Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” videos followed by PSY’s “Gangnam Style” and they quickly became the new craze as farmers and students from the University of Oregon uploaded
READ MOREOn Feb. 2, famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow. So, if you trust the sage groundhog, then put away your winter jackets because we are going to get an early spring. With spring coming early, that means that spring sports are just around the corner. If you live in Founders Residence Hall
READ MOREFive wrestlers won their matches, but it was not enough to secure a victory for the Jays against King’s College Wednesday, Feb. 6. King’s College defeated Elizabethtown College in Wilkes-Barre by a final tally of 24-19, setting the Jays back to an overall record of 4-3 for the year. The wins for Etown included senior
READ MOREOn Saturday, Oct. 20, the annual Elizabethtown College Homecoming Parade commenced in full splendor, taking its usual route through the Elizabethtown Borough and ending at the College among excited crowds of adults and children alike. The parade began around 11 a.m. at Elizabethtown Area High School, where the vehicles, floats and pedestrian groups assembled, and
READ MORELike many other Elizabethtown College students, I braved the chilly fall temperatures to attend the Homecoming men’s soccer game. The real spectacle for me came in the form of the halftime show where the Homecoming Court, king and queen were announced. Of course I was personally focused on the outfits of the Court members, but
READ MOREThe leaves burst into life as did the Academic Quad as alumni, students and families attended the Homecoming Fair this past Saturday, Oct. 20. From noon to 4 p.m., the walkways bustled with attendees who were in search of a witty T-shirt, delectable baked good or imaginative craft. This year, over 60 student groups and