• A look at this year’s Kreider Prize award recipient

    Photo by Fatima Janneh | Staff Photographer One of the most prestigious awards for current faculty members at Elizabethtown College is the Kreider Prize for Teaching. The Kreider Prize has been awarded for the past three years. Each year a faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and mentoring is selected to receive the

  • International Peace Symposium highlights advocates of World Peace

    Photo courtesy of WACHarrisburg Saturday Sept. 16, the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking (CGUP), the Bowers Writers House, the Turkic American Alliance, Harrisburg Academy, Hilton Harrisburg and the Midtown Scholar Bookstore sponsored the annual International Peace Symposium and “Peacemaker in our Midst” Awards. The 2017 International Peace Symposium was dedicated to Dr. Ebrahim Yazdi.

  • Core curriculum to be altered; diversity increased

    Monday, Sept. 11, a forum open to all students was held in Gibble Auditorium regarding ongoing core revitalization efforts. This was the second student forum, the first one taking place Sept. 7. The forums asked for input on changes the students would like to see reflected in the new core program at Elizabethtown College. Between



  • Do viewers or media perpetuate fandoms?

    Do viewers or media perpetuate fandoms?

    Our culture is packed to the brim with various “fandoms” or obsessions with various forms of media. These fandoms seem to have gained prevalence within the last few years. As an obsessive fan of “Game of Thrones,” “Breaking Bad,” “The Walking Dead” and “House of Cards,” among others, I find great joy in following the

  • Professors should not be expected to post course grades on Blackboard

    Professors should not be expected to post course grades on Blackboard

    Every syllabus handed out to Elizabethtown College students is required to contain several different parts, regardless of the class or department. One of the most important sections being a statement of class policy about grades, attendance, examinations and other expectations of the students. Each section extensively describes and outlines the course work and requirements that

  • Texting professors requires professionalism, appropriateness

    Texting professors requires professionalism, appropriateness

    As a socially conscientious 18-year-old, I have used texting to cover up amusingly awkward situations. When I don’t have a car, which is all the time, it gets ridiculous to remain in a small store after feigning interest in all 70 flavors of soup on display. That’s when I try to appear preoccupied with my



  • Men’s lax close to clinching playoff spot

    Men’s lax close to clinching playoff spot

    he Elizabethtown College men’s lacrosse team seems to have hit a rough patch in their schedule as they have lost three straight games, including their loss on Saturday, April 20 to the number two seed, the Albright College Lions. The Jays have only won one game in the month of April, and are struggling to

  • Women’s lacrosse secures spot in playoffs

    Women’s lacrosse secures spot in playoffs

    he Elizabethtown College Blue Jays held out against Albright College this past Saturday on Wolf Field. The final score was 19-15, which was helped by sophomore Leigh Anne Flounlacker who set a career high by scoring eight goals in one game. Flounlacker now holds the first and second records for the most goals scored in

  • ‘Lax bros’: Debunking the stereotype

    ‘Lax bros’: Debunking the stereotype

    lizabethtown College, like most college campuses, has seen its fair share of “lax bros”: men’s lacrosse players. You’ll see them coming into the Marketplace after a quick shooting session and leaving their sticks among the other backpacks and jackets. Lax bros are usually clad in their lax pinnies, hats, pastel colored shorts and high white



  • Shute talks writing for new age media

    Shute talks writing for new age media

    When reading an article online, the average person will only read half of the information. One reason for this is that our generation has evolved to require constant entertainment. Nancy Shute is a renowned writer, specializing in the sciences. Shute graduated from Washington University, St. Louis with a B.A. in English Literature. She then graduated

  • Pa. ‘Teacher of the Year’ presents new educational methods

    Pa. ‘Teacher of the Year’ presents new educational methods

    Have you ever asked yourself, “When will I ever use this bleepity-bleep class material in my life?!” It’s vexatious to think that so much time and energy is being spent on something so … irrelevant, right? Well, there is at least one teacher out there who agrees and sympathizes with this frustration. Ryan Devlin, an

  • ‘Seinfeld’ writer Peter Mehlman visits Bowers, speaks on career

    ‘Seinfeld’ writer Peter Mehlman visits Bowers, speaks on career

    We’ve all done it. You know… double-dipped. We stand around the snack table at a party ready to plunge our half-eaten chip in for the second time… but before the bitten edge scoops up the morsel of dip we’re craving, a friend screeches: “No! Don’t double-dip!” Our foodie dreams plummet into oblivion as we quietly