• Student drop-in session critiques job search

    Student drop-in session critiques job search

    Wednesday, April 11, the Vice President for Student Life search committee had a drop-in student session in the KAV from 11-11:45 a.m. The committee wished to address the many previous survey questions and responses they received. There were five panelists: Chaplain Dr. Tracy Sadd, associate professor of Japanese Dr. Mahua Bhattacharya, athletic director Chris Morgan,

  • Campus rally day continues dialogue about gun violence

    Campus rally day continues dialogue about gun violence

    photo: Emma Pile Friday, April 20, an all-day campus rally was held at Elizabethtown College as the final installment of a three-part series of events on gun violence organized by junior Bekah Smith. The first event, the ENOUGH: Vigil for victims of the Parkland shooting, represented “remembrance.” The second event, the ENOUGH: Walkout, represented “solidarity.”

  • Community Fellows program to begin in ILUs starting this fall

    Community Fellows program to begin in ILUs starting this fall

    Community Fellows will replace Resident Assistants (RAs) in the Vera Hackman Apartments, Schreiber Quadrangle and Featherton Crossing Apartments starting in the 2018-2019 academic year. The application period to become a Community Fellow closed Friday, April 6. Community Fellows have some of the same duties as RAs, including making door decorations and closing buildings before breaks.



  • Fashion Column

    October is here, bringing with it the crisp cold weather and Homecoming. Many of the events will be held outside in the fresh fall air. Even though weather channels have been predicting a warm and rainy weekend, it’s best to prepare for the worst. All of those attending should layer-up in their bluest Elizabethtown College



  • Women’s lacrosse team sets offensive season-highs in goals, shots

    Women’s lacrosse team sets offensive season-highs in goals, shots

    On Saturday, March 22, in Townsend, Md., the Elizabethtown Blue Jays were defeated by the Goucher Gophers in women’s lacrosse. The final score of the game was 19-3. It was a perfect day for lacrosse being 50 degrees outside, but there were heavy winds the players had to fight against. As the whistle blew to

  • Blue Jays host first meet of season

    Blue Jays host first meet of season

    The men and women’s track and field teams hosted a meet at home on Saturday, March 22. The men’s team tied for first place with York College, and the women’s team took first place as well. On the men’s team, first-year Mike Twist took first place in the 800m with a time of 2:00.39. Senior

  • Major League Soccer to begin regular season

    Major League Soccer has undergone major changes since it first began play in 1996. 18 years ago, the League had only 10 teams with relatively small fanbases. As the 2014 season gets underway, the League has 19 teams in the United States and Canada, 11 of which now play in soccer-specific stadiums. The League averages



  • ‘Science Writing that Doesn’t Suck’: freelance writer shares

    ‘Science Writing that Doesn’t Suck’: freelance writer shares

    Chemistry sucked, frankly, so I became a writer,” Jason Bittel stated at his presentation “Science Writing that Doesn’t Suck” at the Bowers Writers House on Thursday, Nov. 13. Bittel currently writes for “Slate” magazine and “OnEarth” magazine. He earned a master’s in creative nonfiction from the University of Pittsburgh.  Bittel began his presentation by asking

  • McNabb presents art in form of woodworking at Bowers

    McNabb presents art in form of woodworking at Bowers

    On display at Bowers Writers House sits a part of James McNabb’s “City Series.” A whole shelf is home to a city skyline in miniature, a new life for scrap wood. McNabb, a wood crafter and artist, presented his artwork through slideshows and exhibits at Bowers at 8 p.m. on Nov. 5. McNabb recently obtained

  • Travels Abroad: Discovering Etown in Unexpected Places

    After carefully monitoring my money each week and spending multiple nights scrounging for remaining food in the fridge, I’ve noticed one thing about Elizabethtown College that I don’t have here in Cheltenham: cheap and easy food. Now, I realize this makes me sound like a lazy American, but sometimes, I find myself missing the Jay’s