• Campus-wide outages bring long blackouts

    Campus-wide outages bring long blackouts

    Elizabethtown College suffered two major, campus-wide power outages Tuesday, Aug. 28 and Wednesday, Aug. 29. The first of the two power outages lasted from approximately 7 p.m. until 8:35 p.m. The second power outage occurred around the same time. In a statement sent out to the campus community Aug. 28, Facilities Management and PPL, the

  • College announces tuition transparency plan

    College announces tuition transparency plan

    Wednesday, Sept. 12, the Office of the President announced Elizabethtown College’s new tuition transparency plan, set to begin during the 2019-2020 academic year. Under this new financial program, the College announced in a campuswide event plans to reduce incoming first-year students’ tuition by 32 percent, making the “sticker price” of the College drop to $32,000.

  • The Global Perspective

    The Global Perspective

    Flames engulfed the National Museum of Brazil the night of Sunday, Aug. 2, endangering over 20 million treasures of Latin America and beyond. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as well as French and Egyptian officials, have offered financial and technical assistance towards the museum reparations. The museum was home to important



  • Professors’ office hours allow time to ask questions, form relationships

    Professors’ office hours allow time to ask questions, form relationships

    A class syllabus is an extremely beneficial and critical document. Most syllabi consist of the schedule, homework assignments and other class-related sections. On the top of every syllabus, the professor adds his or her office hours. Office hours are times outside of class where students can find professors in their offices to ask for help,

  • One-credit PE classes offer physical benefits, encourage sportsmanship

    One-credit PE classes offer physical benefits, encourage sportsmanship

    Elizabethtown College offers a large variety of different courses and programs. Some are specific to liberal arts while others focus more on the sciences and mathematics. These classes and programs can consume student’s time, as the struggle to stay on top of class work is always present. However, there is another factor to the college



  • Softball to take on No. 1 Susquehanna in Landmark playoffs

    Softball to take on No. 1 Susquehanna in Landmark playoffs

    The Elizabethtown College softball team suffered two losses in Saturday’s make-up non-conference double-header against the DeSales University Bulldogs. The Bulldogs won game one 12-4 in five innings and swept the Blue Jays with a win in the second game by a score of 12-5.  Junior first and third baseman Jordan Nowacki said, “I think that

  • Kerno takes first in 10k, track team prepares for Bison Outdoor Classic

    This past weekend, the men and women’s track teams competed at the 32nd annual Millersville Metrics meet at Millersville University. Without having the full team competing, the men were able to finish 14th out of the 28teams. Senior Kevin Brady took second place in the pole vault, jumping 4.55m, breaking his old personal record set



  • Alumnus reports on Winter Olympics from Sochi, Russia for NBC News

    Alumnus reports on Winter Olympics from Sochi, Russia for NBC News

    Alumnus Tim Kelchner left the first weekend of February for Sochi, Russia, where he will cover the 2014 Winter Olympics with NBC. “The Olympic atmosphere has been incredible! The Opening Ceremony isn’t until Friday, but there’s definitely a buzz around Sochi,” he said. In preparation for reporting on the Winter Olympics, which will begin on

  • Student Wellness hosts ‘Acupuncture: On Pins and Needles’ event

    Student Wellness hosts ‘Acupuncture: On Pins and Needles’ event

    Staying healthy isn’t always easy, especially on a college campus. As part of a new health initiative on campus, the Student Wellness Center has begun to offer a new program to help members of the Elizabethtown College community with health and wellness. During the spring semester, The Well will host a variety of activities for