Graduating from college can mean many things for a person. Some students will move on to graduate school, some will move back in with their parents, some will participate in service, like the Peace Corps and some will get a job and embark on an exciting, yet sometimes terrifying part of life: entering the real
READ MOREFrom Monday, Feb. 11 through Friday, Feb. 15. posters covered with reasons to live another day decorated Elizabethtown College and encouraged students, faculty and staff to keep going. The posters were part of the Tomorrow Needs You campaign, which advocates for suicide prevention. The College’s campaign was sponsored by the Office of Student Wellness, but
READ MOREThis weekly column will cover a variety of contemporary global issues including climate action, global health, international peace and security and gender equality. I hope that this column will act as a platform to advocate for global progress and to empower young leaders to get involved in international affairs. If there are certain global issues
READ MOREThanksgiving 1999. I can remember the look on my grandfather’s face. “English?” he asked. “Are you sure? The thing about teaching English is that you get everybody.” Grandpa was a math teacher, and his position at his rural high school allowed him the opportunity to teach advanced courses to juniors and seniors. His colleagues down
READ MOREI recently set out on a mission to understand Elizabethtown College community members’ opinions on whether alumni benefit or hurt the community at Etown. What are the advantages and what are the drawbacks? Executive Director of College Engagement Opportunities Mark Clapper, an Etown alum himself, shares his thoughts on the matter. “It’s wonderful to have
READ MOREFinding the perfect outfit for class can be hard, and finding the most appropriate outfit for a more formal setting can be even harder. Luckily, both Career Services and professors are available to help students figure out what to wear and even how to present themselves when they are faced with daunting job interviews or
READ MORELast weekend, the Elizabethtown College women’s swim team participated in the three-day Landmark Conference Championships. On Friday alone, swimmers achieved fourteen season-best records. On Sunday, they made a ninth-place finish to end their first Landmark championships. Mark Wilson, head coach, was optimistic prior to the meet. “Being our first time in Landmark, my thoughts were
READ MOREThe Elizabethtown College women’s swim team left Frostburg State University in defeat on Friday, Jan. 30. Frostburg came up with wins in the final two events, snatching the competition away from Etown with a final score of 135-124. Heading into the second to last event, the 200-meter individual medley, the Blue Jays held a tight
READ MOREJunior Bryan Pflanz placed sixth at the Pete Wilson-Wheaton Invitational in Illinois on Friday, Jan. 30 and Saturday, Jan. 31. The Elizabethtown College wrestling team took eight individuals to the competition to face-off against an array of teams, nine of which were nationally-ranked. Junior Mike Lammer was confident about the weekend. “I expect the whole
READ MOREJanine Haar, Elizabethtown College’s health consultant from Benecon, and Capital Blue Cross Benefit Specialist Dana Cassel presented “Know Your Benefits,” the first of a series of discussions on utilizing health benefits. Haar first explained how the cost of emergency care has risen recently to deter people from visiting emergency rooms unless absolutely necessary, and the
READ MOREOn Tuesday, Nov. 4, Dr. Jennifer Francis gave a lecture titled “Truth and Fact: Global Climate and Temperature” at Bowers Writers House. During her lecture, Francis discussed change in the arctic and its relation to the jet stream, which affects extreme weather patterns. After specializing in the arctic weather patterns, Francis switched concentrations to research
READ MOREOn Sunday, Nov. 2 in Leffler Chapel and Performance Center, Faith Shiffer, adjunct professor of music, hosted her faculty recital as part of the Fine and Performing Arts Department’s concert season. Her recital focused mainly on music that was written during the 20th century and included a composition of her own. At Elizabethtown College, Shiffer