• Student Senate

    Student Senate

    Student Senate started meeting for the semester Thursday, Aug. 27 over Zoom. The first meeting began with administrative reports where each administrator detailed the changes in their department for the semester. This included that the Marketplace is closed everyday from three to four p.m. for sanitation, all buildings are locked at all times, Counseling Services

  • 2020 virtual and on-campus Etown commencement updates

    2020 virtual and on-campus Etown commencement updates

    Photo courtesy of Unsplash Elizabethtown College has decided to host both a virtual commencement celebration as well as a later, on-campus celebration for the Class of 2020.  The virtual commencement ceremony will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, May 16, and will be viewable at the College’s website, www,  “I think it’s nice that the school



  • TV Review: Anne with an E: A period piece for the modern day

    TV Review: Anne with an E: A period piece for the modern day

    Guess who’s back with a vengeance? I spent the summer consuming a multitude of shows and movies to shove in your faces this new year. Get ready friends. I’m coming in hot with a review of the CBC/ Netflix original, Anne with an E. Anne with an E is sourced from the 20th century book

  • Welcome back from the Etownian Editor-in-Chief!

    Welcome back from the Etownian Editor-in-Chief!

    Photo: Megan White Hello fellow Blue Jays! We, at the Etownian, are back and ready for another great year. This year we have a bunch of returning staff, including myself, and some new staff members. Our new staff members include Madison Chiaravolloti, Asst. Sports Editor; Emma Knight, Asst. Campus Life Editor; and Aprille Mohn, Asst.



  • Women’s soccer game ends scoreless after double overtime

    Women’s soccer game ends scoreless after double overtime

    Saturday, Sept. 9, at Ira R. Herr Field, the Elizabethtown College Blue Jays battled the Gettysburg College Bullets in a tough game ending in a scoreless tie. The 110 minute match went into double overtime, with 15 unsuccessful shots from both teams. Senior Hailey Parks, goalie for the Blue Jays, had six saves and first-year

  • Men’s soccer dominates first game with six-goal lead

    Men’s soccer dominates first game with six-goal lead

    Elizabethtown College pulled out ahead of the Morrisville State College Mustangs with a six goal lead Saturday, Sept. 1 in a strong start to a weekend of matches. Along with the first hat-trick of one player’s college career, the game set the team up for a good season. The win started to gain momentum six



  • Perceptions of masculinity discussed

    Stewart M. Hoover, professor in the Department of Media Studies and Director of the Center for Media, Religion and Culture at the University of Colorado, Boulder, spoke Wednesday, Oct. 12 regarding the book he recently co-authored entitled “Does God Make the Man?: Media, Religion, and the Crisis of Masculinity.” He spoke about the the book,

  • Chemistry club hosts webinar, students learn three skill sets

    The Elizabethtown College Chemistry Club hosted a live webinar in Gibble Auditorium Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. The webinar entitled “The Chemist’s Code for Success: 3 Essential Skill Sets for Your Career” was part of the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Program in a Box series and focused on time management, handling failure and professional

  • College recognizes domestic violence, supports survivors

    College recognizes domestic violence, supports survivors

    Domestic violence awareness is celebrated during the month of October.The Office of Student Wellness picked the week of Sept. 10 – Sept. 14 to educate the students at Elizabethtown College about how to prevent domestic violence. The Elizabethtown College Student Wellness Advocacy Group (S.W.A.G.) promotes domestic violence awareness by encouraging staff and faculty to display