• Global Perspective

    Global Perspective

    “I come as a pilgrim of peace,” Pope Francis declared about his visit to Iraq Mar. 5. His visit, extending for four days, marks his first since the pandemic halted international travel. No other sitting pontiff has ever visited the country now struggling with a political and economic crisis as the coronavirus ravages through uncontrollably.

  • Etown community gathers for service projects

    Etown community gathers for service projects

    Elizabethtown College designated Wednesday, March 3, to be a Day of Service in alignment with the College’s motto: Educate for Service. Classes were canceled to allow the campus community to participate in service-oriented projects focused on food insecurity, physical health and mental wellness throughout the day. The event was sponsored by the Office of the



  • First-year students adjust to campus life, making new connections

    First-year students adjust to campus life, making new connections

      Photo by Megan White As the cold weather comes around, and the leaves begin to fall, many students begin a new year at Elizabethtown College. First-years have no idea what to expect from their new classes and new friends. By senior year, many students feel as if they did not accomplish enough or participated

  • Summer study abroad offers students flexibility in their education

    Summer study abroad offers students flexibility in their education

      This summer, Elizabethtown College students and faculty proved that studying abroad isn’t limited to just the school year. Dozens of Etown students made good use of their three months off by studying abroad in professor-led programs. One such program was the Regional Writers of England class with visiting assistant professor of English Dr. Tara

  • Pop Culture: Beauty Gurus with Seriously Ugly Drama

    Pop Culture: Beauty Gurus with Seriously Ugly Drama

      You may hear terms being thrown around that you don’t quite understand, like “tea,” “cancelled,” “snatched,” “periodt,” “snapped,” “shade,” “expose” and the list goes on. If any of the above makes no sense to you, pay attention. I’m about to educate you about a terrible, messed up and toxic online community. This is Beauty



  • Table tennis is considered a hobby

    Table tennis is considered a hobby

    Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is considered by most Americans to be more of a hobby than a sport. According to, table tennis is a sport “in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth using table tennis rackets.” The game is played on a small, hard table

  • Women’s and men’s lacrosse walked away with a victory

    Women’s and men’s lacrosse walked away with a victory

    Saturday, March 3 on Wolf Field at Elizabethtown College, the women’s lacrosse team beat Penn State Abington 17-3. First-year Kate Ziegler, junior Madelyn Baker and seniors Carly and Katie Thompson each scored a hat trick for the Blue Jays. The Nittany Lions put the first point on the board three minutes into the match, but

  • Baseball takes a 3-3 record during spring break in Florida

    Baseball takes a 3-3 record during spring break in Florida

    Over spring break, the Elizabethtown College baseball team went to Fort Pierce, Florida for training. Overall, the team finished 3-4 against six different teams they played from around the country. In a game against Muskingum University, the Blue Jays took a win with a score of 20-11. This was a big turn around after the



  • Speaker expresses passion for nonprofit organizations and artwork

    Speaker expresses passion for nonprofit organizations and artwork

    Be out in the world and be comfortable with that,” internationally famous artist Sean J. Patrick Carney said. Carney dedicates his time, passion and artistic talents to working for nonprofit organizations. Carney spoke at Elizabethtown College Monday, Oct. 16. He gave two different presentations: “Making the Nice a Bit Nicer: Management, Engagement and Contribution in

  • Afternoon craft talk leads students to write creatively about photos

    Afternoon craft talk leads students to write creatively about photos

    You’re making the painting speak, the sculpture speak,” poet Julia Spicher Kasdorf said during her craft talk Thursday, Oct. 12, in the Bowers Writers House. Spicher Kasdorf spoke about the relationship between poetry and image. Poets have been writing in response to images and photographs for years. Spicher Kasdorf told the audience about the Imagist

  • Guest lecturer on photography shares stories behind his photographs

    Guest lecturer on photography shares stories behind his photographs

    During a photography lecture Thursday, Oct. 12, photographer Steven Rubin shared some of his projects and the scenarios of the people he had photographed. As an associate professor of art in the Photography Department at Pennsylvania State University, it is no wonder Rubin has pursued a diverse amount of projects. After Elizabethtown College professor of