• Today’s Technology

    Today’s Technology

    From a lack of vaccine doses to an excess in a few months, the United States has managed an incredible feat of vaccine creation and distribution. However, the fact that a vaccine was made in under a year is even more awe-inspiring. This success is owed largely to new technologies in vaccine creation used by

  • New and returning Education adjunct professors

    New and returning Education adjunct professors

    The education department has had some restructuring in recent weeks. Director of Clinical Experiences Diane DeArment has retired. In addition, Lecturer in Education, Educational Administration and Leadership Dr. J. Edward Frick has resigned. The department has welcomed four new adjunct professors, Susan Pfeil, Chanda Telleen, Matthew Woods and Dr. David Vázquez-González. In addition, two adjunct

  • College receives consultation on cleaning, facility maintenance

    College receives consultation on cleaning, facility maintenance

    Elizabethtown College announced March 8 that the Environmental Services Department is partnering with Hillyard “in an effort to enhance [the College’s] buildings” through Hillyard’s consultation services. Hillyard is nationally recognized as a manufacturer of cleaning chemicals and a distributor of facility maintenance products. Hillyard representatives first began their consultation the week of March 8. Throughout



  • A review of the Super Bowl’s funniest commercials in 2020

    A review of the Super Bowl’s funniest commercials in 2020

    Photo courtesy of How about that Super Bowl? Am I right? Okay, so while I was physically present during the entirety of what I’m sure was a really good game of football, sports aren’t really my jam. This is Campus Life, though, so you will be receiving my abundant opinions. What on? The commercials,



  • Etown earned a win in the first game of their doubleheader

    Etown earned a win in the first game of their doubleheader

    The Elizabethtown College baseball team jumped to an early lead Saturday, April 21, in the first of two games against the Susquehanna University River Hawks. After senior Anthony Lippy worked out of a jam in the top of the first, back-to-back singles from junior Anthony Knight and senior Colby Smith set the stage for a

  • Softball loses in a Landmark game

    Softball loses in a Landmark game

    Thursday, April 19, Elizabethtown College’s softball team competed in a doubleheader on the road against Ursinus College, winning both games. Junior pitcher Amber Sergas was a strong competitor in the first game, striking out six batters in all. Sophomore Jess Kutteroff hit a double to later score Sergas from second base, giving Etown the lead.



  • New Study Abroad Advisor talks about her time spent at Etown

    New Study Abroad Advisor talks about her time spent at Etown

    Would you work for your school? Elizabethtown College graduate Megan Bell ’14 currently works as a study abroad advisor at the Etown Study Abroad Office. While at Etown, Bell majored in corporate communications with a minor in professional writing. She swam on the swim team all four years and was a captain her senior year.

  • Panel on reform lines up with anniversary of Protestant Reformation

    Panel on reform lines up with anniversary of Protestant Reformation

    Elizabethtown College hosted an event Tuesday, Nov. 14, sponsored by the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies about three different reform movements and leaders: Martin Luther, John Calvin and Swiss Anabaptists. Each speaker discussed the history and choices made by the reformists. The presentation allowed audience members to ask questions or make comments at

  • Final event of World War I lecture series shares view from the East

    Final event of World War I lecture series shares view from the East

    Monday, Nov. 13, the High Library hosted the last installment of the World War I and America program for the fall 2017 semester. The lecture featured Dr. David Kenley, the Director of the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking and professor of history at Elizabethtown College. Dr. Kenley’s area of expertise is Asian studies, with