• Schlosser Shenanigans: The Devious Lick Challenge wreaks havoc on Etown

    Schlosser Shenanigans: The Devious Lick Challenge wreaks havoc on Etown

    A trend known as the Devious Lick Challenge is circulating on TikTok, encouraging users to vandalize and steal school property. The term “lick” means a successful theft, and teenagers nationwide have started to participate in this trend by taking items such as soap dispensers, classroom signs and even security cameras. Recently, the Elizabethtown College Schlosser

  • Etown engineering professor’s project with local high school

    Etown engineering professor’s project with local high school

    In spring 2021, associate professor of engineering Dr. Brenda Read-Daily worked with Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry students at Palmyra Area High School in order to teach them about environmental engineering. Her project focused on teaching the students about water hardness and managing the nitrogen cycle. It was recently featured in an Association of Environmental Engineering

  • Engineering professors awarded at annual conference

    Engineering professors awarded at annual conference

    Recently, two Elizabethtown College engineering professors received awards at the annual American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference. The conference is a yearly event dedicated to engineering educators, and it includes technical events and workshops for the attendees.  This year’s conference included speakers who were in the field of engineering education at many different accredited



  • Letter to the Editor Response from Dr. Don Trahan

    Letter to the Editor Response from Dr. Don Trahan

    Note: This is a reply to a LTE submitted by Anonymous. In September and October, Elizabethtown College held a series of training sessions regarding power and microaggressions. Recently, the Etownian received an editorial in which the author expressed their discontent with the training sessions, specifically regarding the discussion about asking for people’s preferred pronouns in

  • Socially distanced Halloween

    Socially distanced Halloween

    Happy Halloween! While trick-or-treating is off the table for this year, Halloween can still be a thrill! There are lots of ways to stay in the appropriate mood for spooky season, and many of them don’t take much preparation at all.  First, make yourself a playlist of your favorite spooky tunes, scary movie soundtracks, monster-inspired



  • Basketball on two game win-streak

    Basketball on two game win-streak

    Photo: Jocelyn Kline The Elizabethtown College women’s basketball team is on a two-game winning streak starting the basketball season. Friday, Nov. 9 the Blue Jays beat the University of Mary Washington (UMW) 56-54. Some of the top Etown players included sophomore Veronica Christ, and juniors Lydia Lawson and Mikayla Ruth. UWM took the lead in

  • Field hockey suffers a loss in Landmark Conference Semifinals

    Field hockey suffers a loss in Landmark Conference Semifinals

    The Elizabethtown College field hockey team went up against Susquehanna University in the Landmark Conference semifinal Oct. 31 on Wolf Field in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. When these two faced off in September, the Blue Jays won, but for the semifinals Susquehanna showed up stronger than before and was able to push just one goal ahead of

  • Wrestling kicks off with Messiah Invitational, takes seventh

    Wrestling kicks off with Messiah Invitational, takes seventh

    Saturday, Nov. 3, Elizabethtown College’s wrestling team kicked off their season at the Messiah Invitational against eight other teams. Senior Cole Cameron earned a top-three finish for the Jays at the meet, finishing third in the 149-pound weight class. Cameron had two pins for the day and made it to the semifinals on back-to-back decisions,



  • Body Positivity Week spreads awareness of eating disorders

    Body Positivity Week spreads awareness of eating disorders

    Media can negatively affect how people view themselves. Body Positivity Week is a time for people to appreciate that human bodies come in all shapes and sizes. This year, the week runs from Monday, March 12 to Friday, March 16. Student Wellness started the 2018 celebration of Body Positivity Week at Elizabethtown College with a

  • Anti-racist advocate speaks about economic, racial disparity in the U.S.

    Anti-racist advocate speaks about economic, racial disparity in the U.S.

    Anti-racist advocate and writer Tim Wise presented a lecture on economic and racial disparity Feb. 28 at the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren at 6:30 p.m. He has spoken on college campuses and has written seven books on the topic of racial inequality, the most recent being “Under the Affluence: Shaming the Poor, Praising the

  • Themed dinner brings wooden pirate ship, more seafood options to campus

    Themed dinner brings wooden pirate ship, more seafood options to campus

    Wednesday, Feb. 28 was the evening of the much anticipated Pirate Fest 2018, this year’s theme dinner sponsored by Dining Services. With different and exciting food options in the Marketplace and dessert and activities in the KAV, students had reason to exclaim, “shiver me timbers.” If students were not awed by the decorations and mood