Talladega Nights

Talladega Nights

“Talladega Nights” is a movie about NASCAR and a man named Ricky Bobby. Bobby (Will Ferrell) starts working as someone on the pit crew of Dennit Racer Terry Cheveaux (Adam McKay). One day, Bobby gets in the car as a backup driver while Cheveaux goes to the bathroom, orders a chicken sandwich and makes a phone call while in last place. He finished third in that race and continued to race, becoming more and more popular in the world of NASCAR as he started winning more and more races.

After a while, Bobby’s performance in races starts to decline, and he gets fired, which sets him into a depression. The last straw is when he crashed his car and starts running around in his underwear thinking that he is on fire (he is not actually on fire). Bobby tries to get back on his own two feet after being depressed for a while by starting to deliver pizzas. He accidentally hits a woman with a shopping cart and loses his license after a police officer saw and gave him a ticket for it. He then continues delivering pizzas on a child-sized bike.

After gaining his confidence back, he starts racing again. Does he win any races? Does he reconcile with the owners of Dennit? Watch the movie to find out.