Saturday, March 16, the Elizabethtown College men’s volleyball team went to Immaculata University to play against Immaculata and Brooklyn College.
Both games were 3-0 wins for the Blue Jays.
In the first game against Immaculata, senior Ethan Maurer led with a sweeping 15 kills. Etown took the lead early on, with Maurer getting the first point in the game. By the fourth point of the game, a service error by Immaculata athlete Matthew Lynn put the Jays up two points with an overall score of 3-1. This was followed by nine consecutive points made by the Blue Jays, putting the score at 12-1 for Etown. The end of the first set was 25-6.
The second set ran about the same way as the first. The Blue Jays got a point lead early that kept Immaculata in the dust, and Etown was able to keep Immacualta’s points low.
The third set started with a kill by first-year Mark Hall from first-year Tim Zieber. This set was more evenly matched point-wise, though the Blue Jays still held the lead. Immaculata was able to make four consecutive points that put them only four points behind Etown about halfway through the set; the score was now 14-10. The score at the end of the set was 25-22, giving a three set win to Etown.
For the Brooklyn match, junior Nick Baxter led the team with 13 kills. The first three points for the Blue Jays came from service errors made by the Bulldogs. The first lead change was made with a kill by Baxter from Zieber.
The score after the first set was 26-18 for Etown.
In the second set, the Blue Jays trailed behind until a service error made by Utku Tantrianir from Brooklyn.The lead was returned to the Bulldogs for a short amount of time after Zieber made a blocking error. A kill from Baxter brought it back to the Blue Jays, who held on for the rest of the set.
In the third set, the Blue Jays trailed behind and then the lead bounced between both teams for most of the set until close to the end of the match.
An attack error by Bulldog Gabriel Pjatak put Etown up 20-18. The last five points for the Blue Jays came easily and the last set ended 25-19.
The team will traveling to face Cairn University in Langhorne Manor, Pa. Friday, March 22. The game will start at 7 p.m.