Intramural sports are open to all Blue Jays

Intramural sports are open to all Blue Jays

For the athletically inclined Elizabethtown College students, faculty and staff, the Office of Campus Recreation and Well-Being provides all Blue Jays with the opportunity to join a wide range of intramural sports. Registration for intramural sports is completely free. To participate, you need to create an account and register at

When signing up, be sure to use your Etown email address. If you would like to join a team, create your own or join as a free agent, sign in with your Etown email and password at Sports offered as intramurals include: spikeball, softball, badminton, cornhole, tennis, pickleball, volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball, bowling, dodgeball, soccer, golf, disc golf and flag football, among others.

For the spring 2022 season, cornhole, dodgeball, volleyball and doubles badminton were offered as intramurals. The sign-ups for cornhole and doubles badminton are closed for this season. The dodgeball season was from Jan. 24 to Feb. 16. The volleyball season was from Jan. 25 to Feb. 17. The cornhole season runs from Feb. 21 to April 29, and the doubles badminton season runs from March 21 to April 27.

For some students, intramural sports provide an outlet to expend energy. “It helps me to stay active, meet new people and [I] get to hang out with my friends. It’s a great way to relax and just have fun!”Badminton Baddies team captain Angelina Giglio-Tos said.

Others highlight how intramurals (IM) give them opportunities to be competitive. Ryan Ramler, team captain of the intramural volleyball team Freshman Frenzy, enjoys playing intramurals at Etown because it provides him with a chance to be active, competitive and with friends. Ramler has played beach volleyball and indoor volleyball intramurals at Etown. He said, “These IM opportunities have given me the opportunity to strengthen relationships with people that I already knew and meet new people whom I have since gotten to know better.” He added that the competitive and active nature of intramurals are excellent for the brain and body. “It gives us a chance to step away from work for a few hours,” Ramler said.

There is an upcoming 3v3 Basketball Tournament benefiting the Etown NAACP on April 27 in Thompson Gym. Registration is March 28 at 8 a.m. to April 20 at 5 p.m. There will be a Top Division and a Co-ed Division. It is $5 per player. Half of the proceeds will go to Etown College’s NAACP, and the other half will go to Church World Service of Lancaster, the Foundation for Enhancing Communities (Harrisburg), the Spanish American Civic Association of Lancaster, LGBT Center (Harrisburg) and the Community Cupboard of Elizabethtown.

Senior Edition

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