“Here Comes the Boom” tells the story of Scott Voss, played by Kevin James, a high school biology teacher at the Wilkinson High School. Budget cuts at the school start to jeopardize the continuation of the school’s music department, which would result in fellow colleague and music teacher Marty Streb, played by Henry Winkler, being laid off. The school was $48,000 in debt, and that was the amount of money needed to keep the program going.
Concerned for his students and for his friend, Voss gets an idea to attempt to raise the money. He moonlights at a school for people who want to become citizens of the United States. Voss is making some money, and is doing okay at his job, until one of his students asks him for outside tutoring.
When Voss goes to his student’s house, he learns that his student was a former MMA fighter, and that if you lose a fight in the MMA, you could get paid up to $10,000. He gets the idea to start training and to join the MMA, lose matches and get paid the big bucks. Eventually, Voss starts winning, and makes it to the championship.
Does Voss make enough to pay off his debt? Does he win the championship match? Watch the movie to find out.