Etown men’s soccer drops conference clash to Susquehanna

Etown men’s soccer drops conference clash to Susquehanna

On Saturday, Oct.. 7, the Elizabethtown College Blue Jays played against Susquehanna University in a game over fall break. Our Etown  men’s soccer team held strong until this game that ended their undefeated streak at the Landmark Conference with a score of 4-0 loss against Susquehanna’s team. 

In Selinsgrove, Pa., the Etown men’s soccer team took on Susquehanna on the field. During the first half of the game, Susquehanna scored three times on only five first half shots. In the first seven minutes, Susquehanna scored one goal with another one following in the next minute. Our Blue Jays knew that this would be a tough game within the first ten minutes. Susquehanna managed to score another goal in the 15th minute of the game. This put the score to 3-0 by the end of the first half. Although junior midfielder Pedro Guizardi and sophomore forward Pedro Vinent took two shots at Susquehanna, but their goalkeeper made the saves.  

Susquehanna did not let up in the second half with a goal in the first four minutes, putting the score at 4-0 until the conclusion of the game. Although multiple shots were attempted by Etown throughout the game, they could not score a goal on Susquehanna. The men’s soccer team has hopes of winning their next game after this game in the Landmark Conference. 

During an interview with one of the players, junior goalkeeper Dom Santaniello, he said, “Today was a rough one, unfortunately we lost 4-0. One thing that one of our captains, Luka Letsoala says throughout the season is ‘I’ll run for you, and you run for me.’” 

Santaniello went on to say that this saying really helps to reassure him that everyone has each other’s backs even if they are having a tough game–this is what pushes him to continue giving it his all. Santaniello said, “If my teammate makes a mistake, I’ll work extra hard for them to fix their mistake knowing that in the future they will do the same thing for me”. 

Knowing this enables the team to strive to help each other wherever they can, creating a positive dynamic that is seen in all their games. With this in mind, they will all work extra hard to win their next game. 

Even though Etown’s  men’s soccer team had a 4-0 loss to Susquehanna, their spirits were high the entire time. They pushed through this game and left with the determination to win the next one on the night of Oct. 10 against Catholic University.