Angels in the Outfield

Angels in the Outfield

“Angels in the Outfield” is about an orphan child named Roger Bomman and his friend, J.P., who love to sneak into baseball games. Roger and J.P. particularly like to watch the Los Angeles Angels. Roger has limited contact with his widowed father, and is in an orphanage. The last time his father came to visit, Roger asks when the two can be reunited as a family, to which Roger’s father says sarcastically, “When the Angels win the pennant.” Roger starts to pray to God that the Angels will win the pennant so he can be reunited with his father.

It is important to note that at the time, the Angels were having a rough season, and continually lost game after game after game. That did not stop Roger and J.P. from sneaking into the games.

One day, Roger and J.P. see a group of Angels from heaven helping the team start to win games. The angels are led by Al, whom only Roger and J.P. can see. To everyone else, it seems as though the Angels team had suddenly started developing super powers because of some freakish-looking incidents, such as one guy being able to jump much higher than seemingly humanly possible.

The Angels start to win games, and eventually, they make it to the championships. Does Roger get reunited with his father? Watch the movie on Netflix or TBS to find out.