Student Senate: Classes discuss advocacy projects and class events

Student Senate: Classes discuss advocacy projects and class events

Student Senate met for their weekly meeting Thursday, March 17 at 3:45 p.m. in Hoover 212.

The meeting began with administrative reports, starting with Dean of Students and Executive Director for College Diversity, Equity and Belonging Nichole Gonzalez where she addressed that there have been a number of bias related incidents occurring.

Gonzalez explained that the pattern found is that most of these incidents are having to do with language. Gonzalez discussed the importance of language and explained how harmful microaggressions can be.

Director of Residences Life Jenn Azevedo reported that the Independent Living Communities (ILU) entrance counseling sessions are on March 22 and 28 from 5 to 7 p.m., and that it is required for students to attend one of these sessions in order to be eligible to live in the ILUs.

Moving into student comments/announcements, Executive Secretary Jalen Belgrave announced that the NAACP and RecWell will be holding its second financial literacy workshop on March 24, and the session will focus around scholarships and the FAFSA. The final session will be April 4 at 1 p.m. in the Bowers Center classroom and will focus around insurance and investing.

Class of 2023 Representative Gavin McCabe announced that the history club will be having a lantern-lit walking tour of Elizabethtown led by Professor Benowitz on March 25. The tour will start from the Myer courtyard.

Moving in Executive Cabinet reports, Clubs Chairperson Alex D’Amico reported that there is an official name for the horse event, it will be called the Derby Fest. This event will be taking place on April 30 at the Elizabethtown Fairgrounds, the times are not yet finalized.

Elections Chairperson Cece Sadek announced that the scholarships have officially closed, and the top candidates for each one have been sent to the Student Council committee, in which they will pick the final winners. Winners will receive an email at the end of March and also will be announced at the awards ceremony in April.

Moving into committee updates, Business Communications Chairperson Jared Beachy announced that the Jay Pass survey will close on March 21, and the committee will then take the results of the survey and create steps on how to move forward.

Advocacy and Service Committee Chairperson Madison Holmberg announced that there are still time slots available for students and faculty to sign up to help out at Day of Service on April 1.

Moving into class updates, Class of 2025 President Isaac Kraenbring announced that the class is working to get a speaker series setup that would focus around their advocacy project of solidarity.

Class of 2024 President Madison Holmberg announced some senators will be meeting soon with VP Bob Kerin to discuss a concrete project idea that will fit with the class’s advocacy project of suitability.

Class of 2023 President Brooke Charria announced that the class is continuing to work to sell tickets for Junior Senior.

Class of 2022 President Nicole Greiner announced that the class is continuing to work to finalize plans for senior events. The class will also be tabling on the Power of One Day to work to continue to raise money for their senior gift.

Moving into new business, Publicity and Marketing Chairperson Jess Freels revealed what this year’s free Senate t-shirt will look like. Feels also revealed the piece of Senate merch that Senators are able to purchase, with this year’s being plaid pajama pants.

During new business, Belgrave and the legislation committee presented proposed amendments to the constitution. These amendments mostly focused around formality, such as changing names of faculty positions that no longer exist at Etown.

It was motioned to vote on all amendments at once, rather than individually, in which the motion passed.

The amendments were then voted on, in which the vote passed.

The meeting was then motioned to be moved into an executive session, in which the vote passed.

Student Senate meets weekly on Thursday at 3:45 p.m. in Hoover 212. Meetings are open to all the campus community.

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