Student Senate hosted President Cecilia McCormick at their Thursday, Oct. 1 meeting over Zoom. McCormick was present to address any questions senators had.
Senior Matthew Smith asked her to talk more about the new schools system. McCormick replied that the structure is common among other colleges and universities. It creates a more effective organization flow for management.
Senior Jessica Kasper expressed concerns about allowing prospective students into residence halls on tours. McCormick replied that she was told that tours wouldn’t be visiting dorms, so she will reach out to Vice President for Enrollment Management John Champoli.
First-year Joanna Shultz asked about students getting tested before going home for the semester break. McCormick deferred to Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas, who responded that the COVID-19 Task Force is considering it, and that he will pass along that it’s an area of concern for students.
The meeting moved on to administrative reports after McCormick’s session, starting with Limas. He began by introducing Director of Title IX/Compliance Programs and Intercultural Affairs Nichole Gonzalez.
Senior Gio Zapata asked Limas if the College is factoring mental health into the calendar for next semester, since many students are feeling the effect of not having a fall break. Limas responded that there are many plans in the works for the spring, but that the College does have that on their radar.
During Assistant Director of Community Living Rina Carpenter’s report, junior Christina Schnee asked if remote students are allowed on campus for outdoor events. Carpenter replied yes, and Director of Campus Security Andrew Powell added that they are required to fill out the Daily Digital Health report prior to coming on campus.
Senior Meghan Kenney asked if those students would be allowed inside to use the restrooms, to which Limas said no.
With no orders of business, the meeting moved into committee and class updates. Smith, Chair of Traditions Committee, announced that they are working to have an in-person tree lighting.
Student Senate also met Thursday, Oct. 8.
Limas reported that course listings for the winter and spring will be out around Friday, Oct. ober 16. He also provided on update on the comment from the prior week regarding tours entering dorm buildings. Since then, Admissions has created a showroom in the Baugher Student Center, room 211 so tours will no longer be going through residence halls.
Limas also announced that Pennsylvania has revised some of its occupancy restrictions, so events may begin occurring inside in spaces such as the Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-being fieldhouse.
Carpenter announced that the Office of Student Activities will show “The Princess Bride” Friday, Oct. 23 and will host a pumpkin painting event Saturday, Oct. 24. OSA is also still hiring Assistant Events Coordinators.
Powell used his report to share the compliance rates for the Daily Digital Health report. 67 percent of students complete the report at least half of the time in a week, while 28 percent complete it everyday. In comparison, about 80 percent of staff and faculty complete it everyday.
Assistant Director of Learning Zone Tammie Longsderff passed along a message from Assistant Director of Community Living Michelle Henry. A record amount of kudos and red flags were reported during this semester’s progress survey week, with about 1200 students receiving at least one kudos.
Gonzalez provided her first official administrative report, encouraging students to reach out to her office with any ideas for events or any concerns they may have.
The only order of business for this meeting was a presentation from sophomore Clubs Chairperson Alex D’Amico explaining the new Student Groups Oversight. D’Amico said that starting fall 2021, clubs will sign a contract and report to a liaison from the clubs committee about their meetings and attendance. According to D’Amico, the purpose is to create a better connection between student groups and Student Senate.
The meeting finished with committee and class updates, where first-year class president Maddi Holmberg announced their advocacy project as ASL awareness.
Student Senate meets Thursdays at 3:45 p.m. over Zoom.