Student Senate met Thursday, Sept. 24 over Zoom for their weekly meeting.
Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas began administrative reports by addressing that Counseling Services and Director of Title IX/Compliance Programs and Intercultural Affairs Nichole Gonzalez are both good resources for students, especially with the recent updates to the Breonna Taylor case.
Limas then took questions, which were mainly surrounding the college’s COVID-19 policies. Senior Rachel Freed asked for clarification on the difference between quarantine and isolation on campus. Limas responded that isolation is for those who have tested positive for COVID-19, while quarantine is a precaution for those that aren’t certain, such as those waiting for test results.
Executive Sous Chef Barry Hornberger provided the next report for Dining Services, where he stated that dining is focused on figuring out their new numbers for food since the last phase of move-in occurred.
Fifth-year Hannah Paymer asked about the lack of fresh fruit in the Jay’s Nest. Hornberger replied that it was originally not put out in an effort to avoid contact, but since the grab-and-go sandwiches have been going well, they will look into bringing more back.
Assistant Director of Community Living Rina Carpenter gave the report for the Office of Student Activities. They announced that the Etown Cribs contest will run starting Saturday, Sept. 26. Students can send pictures of their rooms via email, or post to social media using #EtownCribs2020.
Director of Campus Security Andrew Powell used his time to answer an earlier question from senior Meghan Kenney. Academic buildings are currently open from 6a.m. to 11p.m. to give ample time for Environmental Service staff to complete deep cleaning. Powell added that at this time, they don’t intend to change building hours.
The Center for Student Success sent their report in via email, which senior Executive President of Student Senate Matt Hetrick read aloud. They said that sophomore, juniors and seniors are able to change their major(s) and/or minor(s) through Jayweb. First-years will have the opportunity to declare their major(s) during the online check-in process in January.
During student comments, first-year Karlie Fromm said that she has seen people moving the plastic dividers in the Marketplace. Director of Counseling & Health Needs Bruce Lynch responded that the message will be passed along to Dining Services, since Hornberger had to leave the meeting early.
There were no orders of business, so senators moved into committee and class updates.
Senior and Chair of Service Committee Makensie Kilby announced that Into the Streets will be happening this year, just differently. “Buzzing Into the Streets” will run for a week from Saturday, Oct. 24 through Friday, Oct. 30. All projects will be done remotely or on campus following proper safety guidelines.
Senators concluded their meeting with an executive session.
Student Senate holds weekly meetings open to students, faculty and staff every Thursday at 3:45p.m. over Zoom.