Student Senate started meeting for the semester Thursday, Aug. 27 over Zoom. The first meeting began with administrative reports where each administrator detailed the changes in their department for the semester. This included that the Marketplace is closed everyday from three to four p.m. for sanitation, all buildings are locked at all times, Counseling Services are available over Zoom and many other updates that were made across campus.
With no orders of business, the meeting wrapped up with committee and class updates.
The second meeting of the semester, held Thursday, Sep. 3, welcomed the newly elected senators. Three new senior representatives and the Class of 2024 senators took the Oath of Office at the start of the meeting.
Administrative reports were mainly used to answer questions regarding how the College is handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas said that there are contingency plans for “every scenario” that look at the number of cases, number of close contacts and other factors.
Junior Cece Sadek asked if students are allowed to travel home on weekends, to which Limas responded that students are allowed but they are “strongly discouraged” from leaving campus in an attempt to help mitigate the spread of the virus.
First-year Kylie Evoy asked if the College has considered reusable to-go containers. Executive Sous Chef Barry Hornberger answered that it is something Dining Services plans to revisit after the pandemic. Limas added that Director of Dining Services Eric Turzai wanted to implement this last year, but there are health codes that make it difficult, especially with the high demand they’re seeing this year.
In executive cabinet reports, sophomore Clubs Chairperson Alex D’Amico explained that the Involvement Fair will be held virtually on the clubs Instagram account. He added that club registration is open until Wednesday, Sep. 23.
Senators then held their internal committee elections and finished with committee and class updates.
The most recent Senate meeting was held Thursday, Sep. 10. Limas began with his report. He emphasized the importance of the Daily Digital Health report and said Student Health will be reminding those that fail to complete it regularly. He also said that the Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-being will begin to “flex a bit more” now that more student employees are on campus.
Limas finished by explaining that sophomores and juniors who have “conflicts,” such as a roommate already on campus, will complete at-home tests so that they do not have to quarantine when they arrive on campus. The student will Zoom with a healthcare professional to complete their saliva-based test, mail it to the lab and quarantine at home until their move-in.
Hornberger announced that the Marketplace will pilot having the full-service grill and sauté on the weekends. The deli station will still be in one half of the salad bar.
Director of Campus Security Andrew Powell provided an update on the LiveSafe app, which he normally does about a month into the semester. Last year, there were 110 downloads and 12 tips during the first 30-day period. This year, there have been 500 downloads and 39 tips. Powell says he believes this is due to linking it with the digital health report and that the majority of tips are related to COVID-19 guidelines. “This is a community effort,” he said.
Limas added, “we are trying to get to the Dell in May.”
Assistant to the Vice President for Student Life and Center for Student Success Amy Berra reported that the Learning Zone is running remotely for those looking for a tutoring session or academic coaching.
During executive cabinet reports, Senior Executive President Matthew Hetrick announced that President of the College Cecilia McCormick will attend the Thursday, Oct. 1 Student Senate meeting.
Senators then moved into new business to hold their external committee elections.
Student Senate meets every Thursday at 3:45 p.m. over Zoom.