Launch of the new space called The Hub, a place for students to connect with different departments and organizations across campus on a daily basis. We are hoping someone from the campus photographers team could stop by between noon and 2pm to take a few shots of the launch activities such as the Student Senate takeover of the university instagram, and any other activities happening when the photographers are present. Any photos of this new space with students using it would be great for future promotional information used for The Hub in the future.
Student Senate met Wednesday, Aug. 28, for the first time this semester. The meeting opened with student comments and concerns. Senior Hannah Paymer requested a review of the new senior staff members. Senior Senate President Holly Francescone provided a breakdown: new leadership members include Gerald Silberman as Vice President for Finance and Strategy, John Champoli as Vice President for Enrollment Management and Ryan Riley as Assistant to the President and Executive Director of Board Relations and Business Development.
Paymer also asked how clubs should register for the activities fair, which is Sept. 11 at 11 a.m. Senior Clubs Chair Sarah Conway responded that clubs should email either the general senate or the senate clubs accounts at senate @etown.edu and clubs@etown.edu, respectively.
Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas emailed his report to senators prior to the meeting since he was unable to attend. His email detailed various changes the faculty. Vice President for Administration and Finance Bob Wallett left the College Aug. 19, so his responsibilities were redistributed on an interim basis to other senior staff members. Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty Betty Rider will oversee Information and Technology Services (ITS), President Cecilia McCormick will oversee Facilities Management and Limas will head Dining Services and Campus Services. Since Student Senate focused on the problems in Dining Services last year, Limas plans to address solutions that have been made at the Sept. 12 senate meeting.
Limas also announced the new Director of Community Living Jenn Crowder, who will begin Sept. 9. This role combines Residence Life and Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Finally, Limas informed senators that Conrad’s Corner will officially open with a Bingo night Sept. 6 at 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Director of Campus Security Andrew Powell began his report by speaking about the new agreement with Lyft. If a student has to be taken to the hospital by an ambulance, Campus Security will now call a Lyft to return the student to campus after their hospital stay. The new service is free of charge to students.
Powell also informed senators that a new card reader was installed to the lower Ober Residence Hall door. This decision was made based on feedback that Campus Security received. They are also looking into adding a card reader to the Schreiber Quadrangle Commons, but it will require a different system, so it has not been installed yet.
Powell stressed that returning students must renew their parking permit. Campus Security plans to begin ticketing soon.
Director of Counseling and Health Needs Bruce Lynch spoke about the new part-time psychiatrist. Dr. Mo Basith will be on campus Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. starting Sept. 25. Lynch also reported that the Spectrum group will run again this semester and that Counseling Services still has a relaxation room that is only open to students.
Office/Work Station Manager for Facilities Management Bob Mrgich listed all of the summer projects that Facilities completed. He also explained that students might get an email about a work order even after it’s closed because of the way the system has to be manually updated.
Following this was executive cabinet reports, beginning with Francescone. She used her time to introduce Assistant Director of Student Activities Zac Pace, who will be a co-advisor for Student Senate.
Senators then asked questions about the new Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-being. Sophomore Rachel Skwirit asked why guests aren’t allowed to use the Bowers Center. Director of the Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-being Whitney Jones answered that in order to ensure the most accurate data they are only allowing Elizabethtown College students, faculty and staff to utilize the building for the first year.
Senior Pleasant Sprinkle-Williams asked if the data shows how long people stay, since they are only required to swipe in. Jones explained that student workers take headcounts every hour on the half hour.
Junior Senate Treasurer Matt Hetrick reported that the travel fund for summer work will be sent out soon.
Sophomore Elections Chair Christina Schnee said the homecoming theme election will run Sept. 2 to Sept. 6.
Senior Publicity and Marketing Chair Julia Aleo reminded senators that personal ads cannot be run on TV screens and ads placed in the BSC and the Bowers Center have to be approved by the Office of Marketing and Communications.
During old business, senators approved a leave of absence for a senator that is studying abroad for the semester.
New business was dedicated to recapping the restructuring forum held Aug. 28. Senators discussed ways to avoid student backlash, as well as increase turn-out for any future forums that may need to be held. Senators also decided to follow up on many of the items discussed.
Student Senate meetings are open to everyone at Thursdays at 3:45 p.m. in Hoover 212.