Student Senate met Thursday, Sept. 17 over Zoom for their weekly meeting.
Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas began the administrative reports segment of the meeting by reminding senators of the COVID-19 guidelines. According to Limas, many students have asked about the plan for the spring semester, to which he responds that while Elizabethtown College has plans in place, they’re subject to change based on the severity of the pandemic.
Senior Rachel Freed asked how to clean commonly touched areas, such as tables in the Blue Bean. Limas replied that there are supply kits across campus that are full of cleaning supplies for everyone to use to wipe down those areas. He added that if the supplies are low, a work order can be submitted to refill it.
During Campus Security’s report, sophomore Emily Flach asked why some of the Blue Lights are out of service. Office/Work Station Manager for Facilities Management Bob Mrgich said that the phones appear to be getting water damage, so Facilities is sending the phones to a company that will waterproof seal them. The phones are being rotated out to the company until they are all fixed.
Mrgich continued into his report where he responded to a question asked at the previous meeting about the lights on campus not turning on with the earlier sunset. Facilities adjusts the lights across campus on a regular basis due to the changing sunrise and sunset times.
Mrgich also said that Facilities is in the process of designing and then will be installing the lights for outside the Koons Activity Venue as part of the Class of 2020 senior gift.
During executive cabinet reports, sophomore Clubs Chairperson Alex D’Amico announced that the virtual activities fair is published on the Clubs’ Instagram account.
Senior Publicity and Marketing Chairperson Gio Zapata reported that the first episode of “Keeping up with the Senators” is published on the Student Senate Instagram account. The first episode introduces viewers to senior Executive President of Senate Matthew Hetrick.
New business consisted only of taking a “Campus Pulse” survey which, according to Hetrick, will be sent to members of the Senior Leadership Team to give administration an idea of how students feel the semester is going so far.
Senior Matthew Smith spoke as Chair of Traditions Committee during committee updates to inform senators that the committee is still planning to hold the annual tree lighting ceremony, but it will look different.
The meeting then wrapped up with class updates, where sophomore class president Andrew Furman said their class has posted two COVID-19 safety guideline PSAs on their class Instagram account.
Student Senate meets every Thursday at 3:45 p.m. on Zoom.