Report released: liquor, theft violations increase

The Elizabethtown College 2012 Campus Fire Safety & Security Report was released on Oct. 1. This account is required to be released by federal law and contains policy statements,  security information and crime statistics from the previous year, which are then compared to preceding academic years.
Liquor law violations are at the top of the most commonly reported crimes for 2011, with a total of 162 cases. Larceny-theft follows behind with a total of 39 reported cases. Both of these crimes are shown to be on a steady increase since 2009. Despite this escalation, the only 10 on-campus arrests were brought on due to liquor law violations; a number that remained consistent with 2010’s arrest records for this specific offense.
Drug abuse violations were the third most reported crimes with a total of 12 cases. However, this number was nearly cut in half from the previous year’s 23 reported drug abuse crimes.
In addition to the decrease in drug abuse violations, the number of hate crimes committed on campus has also diminished. There were zero hate crimes reported in 2011.
The official 2012 report can be found in its entirety on the College’s official website under security.