On March 18, Elizabethtown College set a new record for the amount of money donated to the school in a single day. During the 24-hour giving period, entitled the Power of One Day 24-Hour Giving Challenge, $177,163.56 was collected from 849 donors.
Alumni, staff and faculty members, students, their families and friends of the College were challenged by Nancy Hahn ’81 to make contributions during a designated 24-hour period. She donated an additional $125 to each of the first 200 gifts.
When the challenge was met by mid-afternoon, Trustee Louise Girvin ’65 and her husband, Larry, promised to match each contribution of the next 100 donors with an additional $100.
“All those ‘ones’ can add up to make a tremendous difference,” Melody Bitkoff, Director of Annual Giving, said.
Easily reaching this second goal by 6 p.m., volunteers at the Power of One event continued to collect money from over 500 more people by the end of the night.
For more information about making a donation to Etown, contact BITKOFFM@ETOWN.EDU.