ITS announces future Print Release Stations

ITS announces future Print Release Stations

As many students, faculty members and staff members are focusing on the completion of the fall 2012 semester, others are concentrating on the upcoming spring 2013 semester and new projects scheduled to begin then.
Print Release Stations will be one of the new initiatives scheduled to begin in January. They are intended to improve the lives of students by allowing them to electronically send documents to the Print Release Stations and later retrieve their printed papers at various points on campus with a swipe of their ID card. These stations will be located in the Masters Center for Science, Mathematics and Engineering, Nicarry Hall, Brossman Commons, and the High Library.
“We are still in the process of testing the functionality of print release stations and we are hoping to have them available for the spring semester,” said Brian Helm, director of client services for Information and Technology Services (ITS). ITS will provide the campus community with additional information about the Print Release Stations once further testing is completed.