Common Cents

Common Cents

This weekly column will feature the latest topics and tips in the financial world.
Each week, we will focus on a specific financial topic, with topics covering a wide range of financial information and the latest opportunities with the Family Business and Entrepreneurship Club on campus.
If there are any topics or concepts that you would like to see covered in this column, please email

An entrepreneurial mindset is valuable far beyond the world of business. It is a mindset that allows one to see challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation rather than obstacles that prevent one from accomplishing their goals.

This mindset is useful in business because problems become possibilities that lead to profitable solutions.

An entrepreneurial mindset is powerful! Viewing the world through an opportunity lens empowers you to make the world a better place by solving some of its most pressing problems rather than being overwhelmed by them.

There are several ways to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. The first, although fairly obvious, is to take an entrepreneurship course.

The beauty of entrepreneurship is that building a business from the ground up requires a basic understanding of all the dimensions of business.

The emphasis is on being able to learn the fundamentals of something quickly and being adaptable to challenges rather than cultivating a deep understanding of a single field.

Entrepreneurs need to be able to teach themselves anything that becomes relevant to their business and quickly become comfortable with new material. Coincidentally, this skill is also important to anyone with an interest in lifelong learning, and it is valuable in any workplace after college.

Another way to cultivate a more entrepreneurial mindset is to make a conscious effort to shift your perspective on problems. Viewing them as opportunities to grow and make positive changes in the world is an essential part of the entrepreneurial mindset.

A simple exercise that you can try right now is to sit down and make a list of everything that is frustrating you today. Now, take a moment to clear your mind and release your negative energy. This is an important part of reframing your mindset to see problems as opportunities.

The next step is to write out a handful of short-term and long-term solutions for each problem. Number them from least to most difficult to implement. Repeat this exercise whenever you are feeling frustrated.

The goal is to give you a sense of control over the obstacles you are facing and help you see ways of overcoming them, rather than be overwhelmed by the many challenges that life poses.

The paths that someone could pursue to nurture their sense of entrepreneurship are too many to cover in this short article, but take the time to do so if you find yourself frustrated by the challenges of the world.
An entrepreneurial mindset can go a long way and is useful no matter what your major is.

By taking the time to cultivate your mindset, you can empower yourself and see the world through a lens of opportunity rather than one of frustration. Build an entrepreneurial mind! You can take it anywhere!

As a side note, keep an eye out for the Family Business and Entrepreneurship Club’s fanny packs, which we will be selling in the week leading up to TGIS. Look for them around campus!

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for our next article!

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