Last Wednesday, Elizabethtown College’s Office of Career Services held the Annual Accounting Job and Internship Fair in the KAV for accounting majors, minors and/or concentrations. The event primarily focused of provided accounting/business majors with information and opportunities from over a dozen different accounting firms, banks, or finance driven businesses. The event also provided an opportunity for current students to network and socialize with representatives from these businesses. Accounting Night featured many accounting firm representatives who visited campus from 4:30-7:00 PM to present information about their business and give advice to undergraduate students thinking about their futures. Three of the representing companies were M&T Bank, Smoker & Company, and Herbein CPAS and Consultants. Sarah Brinson, an Elizabethtown College graduate and current CPA with Herbein CPAS and Consultants gladly shared that when her company is hiring, the biggest points that stand out to them is not only GPA but also how well rounded a student is. She then continued on that events like these allow students to build connections that are imperative to their future careers.
Students were able to leisurely browse from table to table with at least one representative at each table willing to answer any questions and give insight to what the company does. Furthermore, students were given the opportunity to build relationships with these representatives, many of which were taking down student’s email addresses for further connections. The opportunity to talk to potential employers in a relaxed environment allows students to build indispensible skills for future interviews and applications.
Rachael Nelson, sophomore, stated that she was “very pleased with the diversity of the businesses that attended the event.” As previously stated, the event held many different firms, including, but not limited to, public and private accounting firms.
For all of those career and success driven students, the biggest tip from experienced students, professors, and business representatives is to network and build relationships with as many firms and representatives as possible.
As a student, each opportunity to introduce oneself and build relationships is imperative to the impending application period that will loom over each and every student. “As a senior, I’m taking every opportunity possible to speak to potential employers. A job fair is a perfect opportunity to learn about positions you may not have been aware of. Further, regardless of your interest in a particular position or booth, job fairs allow you several opportunities to practice speaking to companies, to learn about availabilities and to practice answering and asking questions. These skills are essential,” said by senior International Business and Finance major, Erik Cianci. The skills learned while talking to potential employers are transferable to any situation. Cianci, a student who is currently feeling the weight of applications and job pressures was able to definitively confirm two interviews as well as two application submissions at this event alone, showing the success and usefulness of job and internship fairs for students of all years.
This event was specified for the financial field but Career Services holds many events giving students the opportunity to network themselves into the field of their choosing. This week on September 24th, Career Services will be holding a CareerPalooza in the BSC 1st floor concourse.
-Kelly Merroth