Campus Security, borough police on high alert for alcohol violations at Homecoming

Campus Security, borough police on high alert for alcohol violations at Homecoming

Happy Homecoming celebrators saw flashing lights as both Elizabethtown College Campus Security and the Elizabethtown Borough Police sped to the Schreiber Quadrangle early on Oct. 16. Several parties taking place caught the attention of the officers, who appeared at the Quads around 12:30 Sunday morning.

C1 and C2 were residences reported as allowing underage drinking and general rowdiness. Two more are rumored to have been shut down as well.

The nature of the crime has been listed as an “Alcohol Violation” on the College’s Daily Crime & Fire Log. The students partaking in the illegal aspect of the festivities have been referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR).

Several students, who were party attendees at the Quads, expressed their surprise at how cleanly the police cleared out the gatherings, checking IDs for ages of attendees.

Multiple borough police officers responded to another “Alcohol Violation” around 1:30 Sunday morning. This violation occurred in Ober Residence Hall. This case was also referred to the SRR.

Founders Residence Hall had a similar disturbance at around 2:25 a.m. that same morning, for yet another alcohol violation that was referred to the SRR.