An editorial from a nearby college stirs controversy

An editorial from a nearby college stirs controversy

An opinion piece published in Dickinson College’s campus newspaper Thursday, Feb. 7 has drawn both praise and criticism in the weeks since its publication.

The editorial, written by Dickinson senior Leda Fisher, is titled “Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?” and appeared in The Dickinsonian’s opinion section.

In the piece, Fisher laments what she sees as white men perpetuating their opinions on topics that don’t apply to them—she lists topics including feminism and LGBTQ+ rights—and encourages those men to “critically examine where [their] viewpoints come from” and “maybe try listening from now on.”

“The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless,” Fisher wrote. “Something very few of them seem to understand is that their (ill-informed, uncritical) opinions do not constitute truth. In fact, most often their opinions aren’t even original.”

A few members of the Dickinson community have written pieces responding to Fisher’s editorial; these were also published on the Dickinsonian’s website.

There were 544 comments on the editorial’s page on the Dickinsonian’s website as of Monday, Feb. 25. Also, as of Feb. 25, a petition to expel Fisher had over 1,000 signatures.

Fisher never expected that the editorial, which went viral after its publication, would receive so much attention both on and off the Dickinson College campus.

“I had hoped it could spur conversation on campus, but even that professors would discuss it in class seemed far-fetched to me,” Fisher told The Carlisle Sentinel.

“When people tell me that they are having conversations with their friends and classes because of the article, it shows me how much the campus needed my perspective to be highlighted.”

The Dickinsonian staff gave a statement to the Etownian through email after the editorial went viral.

“This piece reflects the author’s personal experience,” The Dickinsonian staff said in the statement. “The Dickinsonian neither agrees nor disagrees with it, or with any of our editorial columnists.”

In an article on Yahoo! News, Fisher defended her piece, saying that neither she nor her piece is racist and that while she does not hate white men, she does not believe any system was ever designed to marginalize them.

She also told The Carlisle Sentinel that she does not regret the way she wrote the editorial or the tone that she used.

The Dickinsonian staff said that Fisher does not speak for the entire Dickinson community. “The editorial page is a place for students to express their personal views on issues of concern to them,” The Dickinsonian’s statement read. “Our editorial policy is to ensure that pieces are not based on factually incorrect information, do not aim to incite violence, and are relevant to the Dickinson community.”

In addition, Dickinson College president Margee Ensign weighed in on the issue through an email she sent to the Dickinson College community.

“Let me be clear. Dickinson believes in free speech. We also condemn stereotyping and prejudice. Dickinson values inclusivity,” Ensign wrote, as quoted in an article published by Inside Higher Ed.

“We expect our community members to engage in thoughtful dialogue and believe that no group or individual should be silenced. It is a fundamental policy of the college to respect pluralism and to promote civility and mutual understanding.”

Inside Higher Ed also posted another statement released by Dicksinson College.

” Dickinson is a microcosm of the nation. Our campus community is composed of individuals who hold varied beliefs, opinions and life experiences,” Dickinson College’s official statement read.

“We engage in the hard work every day that is necessary to become a more inclusive community. This work is ongoing.”

Those who wish to read Fisher’s piece, and the pieces written in response to it, can visit The Dickinsonian’s website.

We look forward to hearing the variety of opinions from Etown students!