Travels Abroad: Discovering Etown in Unexpected Places

After carefully monitoring my money each week and spending multiple nights scrounging for remaining food in the fridge, I’ve noticed one thing about Elizabethtown College that I don’t have here in Cheltenham: cheap and easy food.

Now, I realize this makes me sound like a lazy American, but sometimes, I find myself missing the Jay’s Nest and the Marketplace, simply because they offer a food option that lets me swipe my student card. There isn’t any sort of card system at the University of Gloucestershire, so I usually buy groceries for the week and make my own meals. I have to be honest and say I miss the meal swipes. How nice is it to be able to simply swipe into an all-you-can-eat cafeteria?

I will say though, that having to fend for myself has provided some valuable life experience. Having to buy my own groceries week after week has taught me to manage money and food. Now I know how my parents felt when they bought groceries for our family each week. I’ve learned that eggs and rice go a long way, as they can stretch out a meal. I’ve also learned that I don’t drink as much milk as I thought, as I’ve had to throw out it out — spoiled — more times than I would care to admit.

Of course, I do eat out sometimes, but I try to do so sparingly. There are tons of restaurants in Cheltenham, and I have a particular weak spot for Paparrito’s, a taco and burrito place in town. Sometimes I find myself at Ruby Tuesday for some American food when I feel homesick. All in all though, while it can be annoying facing the fact that I’m growing up and have to take care of myself, I’ve learned some valuable lessons. Luckily, I still have another year of quesadillas and the pasta bar at Etown before I have to face the perils of grocery bills.