InterVarsity hosts Coffeehouse to end slavery, human trafficking

On March 27, the InterVarsity chapter  at Elizabethtown College held a coffeehouse in the KAV to bring awareness to a serious problem in the world: human trafficking and modern-day slavery.

Human trafficking is the third largest organized crime in the world and a $32 billion a year illegal industry. In today’s society, slavery and human trafficking is assumed to not exist anymore or does exist but is thought to exist only in third-world countries that may be war-torn. Sadly, there are modern-day slaves and human traffickers in the United States.

This coffeehouse event was an attempt to raise awareness and funds for two organizations aimed at combatting this worldwide problem: Abolition International and International Justice Mission. In order to  spread the message and awareness, multiple videos were shown from these two organizations. The videos gave shocking statistics about human trafficking.

With coffee provided from Folklore and a table full of sweets and other snacks, the mood of the coffeehouse was somber but still welcoming and uplifting. Hope was a prominent theme throughout the night.

InterVarsity and the performers made the event a welcoming and calm environment for learning and reflection. Performances from Etown students consisted of singing cover songs and playing instrumentals.  These were opening acts for the headliner, Chris and Jenna, professional singers who have previously performed at Etown. Their music involves a sense of worship since it is an evangelical ministry program. They also sing covers of well-known songs that have a relatable meaning.

Equipped with educational videos from the two organizations as well as a table set up exclusively for educational purposes, InterVarsity assured this topic received the attention it deserves. Along with the videos and flyers, there was an opportunity to donate to these causes by using a student ID and charging it to one’s account. Students also had the opportunity to write a letter to someone who has survived and escaped the horrors of human trafficking. “Our goal tonight was to fill seats and bring awareness to this grave dilemma the world is facing. I would absolutely say this event was a success and was able to accomplish what we wanted”,  junior Taylor Luckenbill, leader of Etown InterVarsity, said.

InterVarsity is an evangelical campus ministry group that holds many different events throughout the course of the academic year. Some of these events include “Sexy Pizza,” guest speakers and small groups that meet for worship. InterVarsity sponsors multiple events throughout the year, including outreach programs, large group meetings with guest speakers and Bible studies for those who are interested in reading and understanding the Bible. More information on InterVarsity can be found at the Etown website for those who are interested in becoming involved.