Fine Print holds a club interest meeting and launch party.

Fine Print holds a club interest meeting and launch party.

Elizabethtown College’s literary magazine held a launch party in the Jay Lounge for its latest issue. The party included snacks and drinks as well as copies of the magazine, free of charge, for students to pick up and read through or to take with them.

The party was held from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sept. 17 .. The party allowed students to mingle with fellow students who are also interested in writing as well as read through other’s work from the previous year. The new editors-in-chief for the club, E Meyer and Kaitlyn Gilmore, also prepared a presentation for those who attended to showcase the new positions available to students.

Fine Print offers a variety of different roles for students who would like to be involved. A majority of the work will happen in the spring semester of this school year when submissions for the magazine begin to increase. The positions available for students include public relations manager, section editors, board editors, proofreaders and layout editors. 

The public relations  manager is responsible for creating social media posts, flyers and coordinating with the Office of Student Activities (OSA) for banners. Section editors review all work that is submitted for the section they work in and communicate with the board editors. Board editors edit all submissions for the magazine. Proofreaders are in charge of looking over the final layout for any errors prior to submitting the magazine to print. Lastly, the layout editors use Adobe InDesign to create the final layout of the magazine. 

In the past, the staffing line-up looked a little different than it is for this year. This is because Meyer and Gilmore have some changes in mind for Fine Print including the newly formed PR manager. 

“Namely, we’re going to change a few of the positions around,” Meyer said. “So, we are combining our social media manager and our OSA liaison into one position.” 

Meyer also mentioned changes for the editing process.

 “The board editors are going to have more say in which pieces go in. It’s not just going to be the section editors making the decisions now,” they said.

 Students will also get a say in what section they would like to edit for when applying to Fine Print. 

Fine Print accepts a variety of different students’ work, including poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction and any form of visual art. Three-dimensional art may be submitted as long as it is in picture form. Students are limited to a maximum of four submissions across all categories, three poetry submissions, three art submissions and a maximum of 5,000 words for fiction or creative nonfiction. 

A Microsoft form will be sent out later this semester for students to submit their work to Fine Print. Submissions open on Nov. 1, and the form will be accessible through a QR code for students to scan around campus and make a submission. Submissions close on Feb. 1. 

Applications for all staff positions are due by Sept. 30. More information about staff positions or for information about submitting work to Fine Print, email with any questions. Meyer encourages students to write work and submit to Fine Print.

“Writing is good and it’s good for you,” Meyer said.

Senior Edition

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