Elizabethtown College’s Office of Campus Recreation and Well-Being (RecWell), The Office of Student Activities (OSA) and International Student Services collaborated to bring students an International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration. The festivities took place on Feb. 26 prior to students’ spring break because the day is typically celebrated on March 6.
This year’s theme for IWD was “Lift, Empower and Accelerate Action.” Everyone in the campus community was encouraged to wear purple, the official color of IWD. Activities were planned for the whole day from noon to as late as 9 p.m. Students could choose to stop by activities between classes or when they had other free time.
To kick off the day, an inspirational card writing station was set up in the Bowers Center from noon to 5 p.m. Stickers, cards and everything needed was set up for students to make cards for friends, family, staff or even yourself.
During card making, tables were set up in the Baugher Student Center (BSC) concourse from 1-3 p.m. for clubs and organizations to showcase the ways they empower women. RecWell gave each table a sign asking how they support women. There was also music, a photo booth and temporary tattoos with empowering phrases and pictures.
Speaking to this year’s theme, the Bowers Fitness Center hosted “pack the gym.” According to Etown College’s Office of Marketing and Communications, this event presented the “opportunity to bring women and allies together to promote and engage in strength, self-confidence and community through movement.” The fitness center’s female personal trainer, Olyvia Serillo, was available for any and all fitness questions students had and group fitness classes were specially themed for the day’s celebration.
At the end of the day, OSA held “Wonder of Women,” a night filled with various self-care activities for students to relax and spend time together. The stations included vision boards, pressed flower bookmarks, coloring books and puzzles. Conrad’s Corner was also available for the event.
“I think we all really liked the pressed flower bookmarks. Overall, it was just a really fun night!” first-year political science major Jess Falconer said.
Falconer and her friends said that they all look forward to events like these because activities in town often close early before they can make it there. They all also mentioned how it helps them make connections with more people and allows for a change in scenery from classes and the dorms.
Throughout the whole day, a display of remarkable moments in women’s history was available for viewing in the Bowers Center. The display focused on the way women have shaped the world, paved the way for the future, pivotal milestones across politics, activism, all to showcase the courage, innovation and resilience of women throughout history.