This week’s edition of Welcome to the Jungle introduces not one, but two pets! Meet 3-year-old dogs Rocky and Simba. Rocky and Simba live with junior environmental science major Angelymarie Pacheco. Since Pacheco is a commuter, both dogs live at home with her family. Pacheco’s family adopted Rocky first from a dog breeder in May 2021, and Simba the chihuahua was soon adopted from a family member in December 2021. Although Rocky came from a dog breeder in New York City, he is a mixed breed.
Both Rocky and Simba share a love of food, specifically their Beneful prepared meals. Simba, however, is less picky in what he chooses to eat. He likes whatever is dropped onto the floor.
When it comes to playtime, Rocky and Simba have different toys of choice they like to play with. Rocky’s favorite type of toy are squeaky balls, and he loves to play outside with Simba and Pacheco, especially if it’s snowing.
“Rocky loves the snow; he’s my lil snowball full of energy,” Pacheco said.
Simba prefers to play hide and seek under the blankets. He likes to bundle up under them, but he does have his toy of choice: his comfort teddy bear.
“Simba blends in with anything and loves to hide under blankets,” Pacheco said.
Rocky and Simba are different when it comes to their stance on meeting new humans and fellow dogs to befriend. Rocky is sociable and loves making new human friends, but he does not share that attitude with other dogs, Simba being an exception. Simba is the opposite, only being sweet if the human or dog gets on his good side.
As is the territory of sharing a home with pets, there’s naturally plenty of funny stories and experiences to share. Pacheco shared that when Rocky was a year old, he used to fall asleep upside down.
“Rocky looked like the Exorcist,” said Pacheco.
That was not the only memory that Pacheco shared. She shared that around two years ago, Rocky ate a whole box of Oreos. Unfortunately for Rocky, he ended up experiencing explosive diarrhea from that choice. Pacheco assured that Rocky bounced back though, and that he’s as good as ever after that.
Rocky and Simba also love to get dressed up, as Pacheco showed in multiple different photos. Pacheco had a matching red flannel with Rocky, matching crocheted froggy hats with Simba, and Simba has his own sombrero and white fluffy hoodie.
Rocky and Simba are both young dogs, so Pacheco and them will have many more years to make memories.