Welcome to the Jungle: Kenji and Koji

Welcome to the Jungle: Kenji and Koji

Sophomore digital media production major and Asian study minor Kyle Flory has two very good boys named Kenji and Koji. The two are very charming Shibu Inus who Kyle obtained 5 years ago.

The two were named after searching for traditional Japanese names for pets. Kenji in some translations can mean prosecutor, which, according to Flory, very much fits his personality. Koji can mean the second son as Koji was the runt of the litter.

Flory instantly went to pick up one dog who would be later named Kenji. While there, Flory saw another smaller dog. The breeder told him that Koji was likely going to starve because the other dogs were taking his food, as that happened to their sister. Flory then decided to adopt him as well that same day as he was worried about what could happen to Koji.

“Our favorite activities are lounging around,” Flory said. “They do not like to cuddle because they are Shiba Inus so they are unique in that sense.” They enjoy walking on the Conewago trail here in Etown, the Bainbridge river trail and the White Cliffs of Conoy in Marietta.

Flory said it was a challenge early on because they were litter mates so Koji was food aggressive while Kenji was not. Flory also at the time had a German Shepherd, so trying to make sure they all got fed was a struggle. Now Koji and Kengi have flipped roles, where Kenji is now the food aggressive one and Koji is trying to fight Kenji for food.

“Koji loves to play fetch. He will play it all day,” Flory said. “Kenji has never fetched a ball in his life; he doesn’t care about playing.” Koji is the more athletic brother. He loves to play fetch and other games, while Kenji just loves to lounge around the house.

The first night Flory brought them home, they stopped at a pet store to pick up toys. Flory said they still have a John Cena dog chew toy that they picked up that day. Kenji has three toys that he keeps that he doesn’t let Koji play with, a strawberry, a fox and a gorilla, which has been kept intact since they first got him those toys.

“They are like his mint-conditioned action figures,” Flory said. “He will walk around with them but never chew them.” While Koji does not hold attachment to toys, Kenji does. Koji’s favorite toy is any ball that he can get his paws on.

Koji loves bone marrow and sweet potatoes. They are his favorite snacks. While Kenji doesn’t like bone marrow and sweet potatoes, his favorite snacks are everything else including inedible things.

Kenji and Koji both know tricks such as spins, sitting, jumping and giving their paws. Kyle said his favorite thing they do is catching things so he tries to do trick shots with them with treats and toys.

“They are not good boys, they are the best boys,” Flory said. Kyle also has a tortoise named Hank who he also cares for.