Hi, I’m Al and this is my first year on campus! Right now, I’m swimming around Brinser with my moms, Korinne Gieger and Elizabeth Cunningham. They picked me up over the summer to ensure that their triple didn’t seem so empty, since their third roommate decided not to come because of COVID-19. I actually spent most of the time with Korinne because she moved in with the peer mentors. This is her first year being a peer mentor and I was able to help with freshman orientation, though I heard it looked a little different than last semester. I feel like I should have gotten orientation training myself. Just so I know what’s expected of me.
My other mom, Elizabeth, moved in last Thursday and adjusted back to college life on campus. I am definitely excited to sit in on her Zoom classes this week and see how it works. Korinne was lucky enough to have face to face classes from the start, so I’m not that “in the know” on how college classes work. Although, I’m quite knowledgeable on what homework is. Boy is it stressful. Also, I can help tutor with Elizabeth during her online sessions. She’s helping the freshmen with their papers. To be honest, I’m not too great at writing.
I spend most of my time in Brisner playing in my tank. My home is pretty decked with multicolored lights that make it look like a party all the time. The lights also highlight the pastel gravel, which adds to the party. I have a couple of plants and I like to chill out on the leaves when I get tired of swimming. Yes, fish get tired of swimming and we need a chill place to hang out. Oh, and I have a pet elephant named Howard. We’ve been friends ever since my moms got me. He keeps me company when my moms are in class. When I’m not hanging out with Howard, I like blowing bubbles near the suction part of the filter and watching them get pulled in. Getting my fins pulled in feels weird, though.
Another game I like to play is during breakfast and dinner time. When my food gets dropped into the tank, I charge at it and chomp on the flakes like it’s nothing. It sounds weird, but it makes me feel like a shark. That would be so cool to have a dorsal fin like a shark. And have the “Jaws” theme playing when I eat. That would be so much fun! Okay, maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself. I think that’s it really. Oh, I hang out near my heater when my room gets cold, which is frequently. I hope that as fall fully sets in, the room will get warmer. At night, I sleep in my little cave in my mossy rock formation.
So far, I think I’m gonna like Elizabethtown College. Everyone’s been so nice and great about following the social ddistancing guidelines. Obviously, I’m social distancing in my tank and I don’t go out much. Well, I hope I get to see you around campus, especially if you’re in Brinser!