Hello! My name is Killian! This is my first semester taking classes, though my mom, Aries, is working on her second year of college. Unfortunately, I’m spending my first semester remote. The plus side is that I get to take classes on my mom’s bed. Though, to be honest, I don’t pay attention as much as I should and run around the house instead.
Before I met my mom, I had it kinda rough. I was left outside of a restaurant in a cardboard box. Luckily, I was found by the owner and there were customers inside. The owner asked around and family members of my mom stepped up and offered to take me in. They let my mom know about me and the condition I was in and she gladly took me home. My mom fed me and cleaned me up and made sure I was comfortable. She took me to the vet where we discovered that I had radial hypoplasia. It basically means that in my front right leg, two of my bones are fused together. In my front left leg, it’s a little different as the bones are on top of each other. So, that’s why my front legs look curved.
Don’t worry, I’m still able to climb and play like a normal kitten. My favorite toy is a green mouse that I chase across my mom’s bedroom floor. I love running towards it and pouncing on it. If I can’t find the green mouse, I’ll go for my pink fuzzy ball. It’s not as fun as the mouse, but it’ll do. I also like to play hide and seek with my mom. Because I’m so little, my favorite hiding spot is underneath the sofa. I think my favorite activity with my mom and grandma is to curl up with either of them and watch television. I also try to help my mom play video games after she’s done her homework.
Right now, I’m living in my mom’s room as I get used to being in a new home. I’ve been at my mom’s house for three weeks and I’m loving every minute of it. My mom already has a dog, a hamster and five adult cats. There are also two kittens visiting, but they’re leaving soon. I wish I could play with them, but my mom says it’s for my safety. So far, I’m getting along with everyone. I think my best friends are Dewy and Meatball. Dewy and I will play together whereas Meatball will follow me around the house. Probably because he’s a dog and they’re weird like that.
Maybe if my mom wants to visit campus, I can tag along and see her friends. With my mask of course! Actually, now that I think about it, if my mom hadn’t been remote this semester, I would not have met her at all. I would have been taken in by grandma of course, but I would’ve had to wait ‘til Thanksgiving to see her. Well, I gotta go find my green mouse cause this interview made me itchy to play. Don’t forget we’re halfway through the semester.