Oh… woah, hey there! Give me a moment; I’m just waking up from a nap and I didn’t expect to meet anyone new today. I’m glad to meet new people, as long as you let me come up to you if it is floor hours. Feel free to give me all the pets if I am napping though.
I’m Gideon, and napping is my favorite pastime during the day. I’ve been working on determining the best places to nap in the apartment. So far I’ve figured out that good places to nap are on my mommy’s bed, on the bed and under the covers, under her bed, on her desk or in her wardrobe. Although my aunties in the apartment also have really good beds to nap on, and even better to nap under. Hmm… this is going to take more research.
Oh! Laptops are also really good to nap on or just lay across. My mommy loves when I do that, I think. My favorite key on the keyboard is caps lock, but I also really like the power button. Sometimes I help my mom with her homework, but she normally likes to do it herself.
Other times I get to go to class with her if she is going to class from her laptop. I like that much better than when she has to leave for hours at a time. Speaking of which, I really don’t like this newspaper thing that makes her disappear for all day Wednesdays. What is that about? I think it’s really unfair.
If she isn’t in the apartment then who is going to throw my mousies across the room for me to chase? And who is going to get my ball out from under the couch ten times in a row? Maybe one of my aunties, but they seem to be more focused than my mommy.
If no one is around to give me attention and I’ve already napped for a few hours then I like to sit on the windowsill and look out the window. Two of the apartment windows look out at the car lot. It sometimes has people in it, and that makes me kind of nervous. One of the other windows has plants all over the sill, so I can’t sit there. The other living room window is my favorite. It looks at the woods and it is usually open so I can hear bird sounds! I love birds! My favorite toy is a green bird that makes real bird noises! And sometimes my mom will put videos on her computer of birds for me to watch.
What I really need to watch, though, is my mom! That’s my job as an emotional support animal. She has people anxiety and I have cat anxiety so we’re a good team. It’s my job to make sure that she’s safe, so I make sure to follow her around when she goes into the living room or kitchen, and especially if she goes into the bathroom. Sometimes I peek in to check that everything is okay when she is in the shower, but she doesn’t usually let me check on her when she is in the toilet room even if I yell or stick my paws under the door.
Generally speaking, though, yelling does the trick. I usually like to wake my mommy up around five in the mornings just for fun. Sometimes I want more food, but usually I just want to play. The night time is the best time to practice sprinting around the apartment! Everyone knows that. Nighttime is for playing and daytime is for napping. That being said, I really need to get back to napping. If you need me, I’ll be in the accessory basket in the wardrobe.