This week, get to know Mahli Rupp, a junior English major with a concentration in professional writing. Rupp knew she wanted to pursue English as her major, but then decided to pursue the concentration in professional writing after she realized how many opportunities it could bring. “Professional writing enables me for almost any place that
This week, get to know Mahli Rupp, a junior English major with a concentration in professional writing. Rupp knew she wanted to pursue English as her major, but then decided to pursue the concentration in professional writing after she realized how many opportunities it could bring.
“Professional writing enables me for almost any place that needs someone who is good with words and editing,” Rupp said. “My favorite part is learning about new writing techniques and getting to add them to my skill set.”
Rupp has enjoyed her time at Elizabethtown College so far, enjoying many of the English Department’s classes, such as Technical Writing and Young Adult Literature. She chose to attend Etown because it fit her “practical criteria” at the time, which was being able to commute easily from her hometown of Mount Joy, Pa., and that it gave her the most effective financial support.
Being a commuter has its ups and downs, according to Rupp. She enjoys not having to worry about roommate situations or having to pay for a meal plan. She loves being able to just go home at the end of a long day. However, it can occasionally be inconvenient trying to find a parking space and having to rush to class.
“50% of the time it’s super nice, and 50% it’s not,” Rupp said.
Currently, Rupp is looking for an internship to help her graduate, and is looking forward to the rest of her time here at Etown. As for further along in her future, she is still unsure what she’d like to do. She is hoping for a good job with plenty of new opportunities ahead.
Both Rupp and her younger sister Maya live with their mother Kay in Mount Joy. She and her sister are both adopted from different biological families.
“Literally none of us are biologically related, but we are related in every other way that counts!” Rupp said.
A bit more about Rupp is that she’s been learning new things both in her academic life and in her personal life! She recently took up crocheting this year. She also loves to read and is able to read while riding as a passenger in a car. Her favorite show tends to change depending on her mood, but a constant favorite of hers is “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”
“The animated show, not the blue people and definitely not the live action version,” Rupp said. “There is no live action movie in Ba Sing Se!”