Student shares tips for making the most of fall break by working ahead

Student shares tips for making the most of fall break by working ahead

Seasons are changing, leaves are falling from the trees and it’s chilly outside. That means one thing: it’s almost time for the first break of the year! Campus is full of excited students who are ready to have a few days off to go home and be reunited with friends and family. However, for many of us, it seems to be that our schedules are still packed, and there’s a ton of homework to be completed before or during the break. That being said, here’s a little advice on how to organize and prepare so you can get your work accomplished and enjoy some time at home!
Create a daily schedule. Plan your week out in advance. This way, you can wake up each day and know that you’re staying on track with your assignments and are always aware of when the deadlines are. If you have a light day without a lot of class time, use that wisely as well. Also along these lines…
Chip away at assignments. Break each one down into manageable slices and work on them little by little throughout the week.
Aim to be early. If you can get things done ahead of time, by all means, do it! Just make sure that you’re staying organized and adjusting to any changes that may come your way.
Set goals and reward yourself for achieving them. The goal is to get everything done efficiently and on time. Once you’re done, the reward is fall break! Go home and unwind; you deserve it!
Take breaks. Don’t try to do everything at once! It’s natural to try to speed through your work so that you can relax and go home, but if you try and go too quickly you will most likely frustrate yourself and not do as well overall.
Prioritize and pace yourself. Make sure that you do assignments and projects that are due sooner first, then move on to other work. Likewise, if you can tell that one assignment is going to be very time-consuming or you’re going to have to study for an exam for many hours, work that into your schedule accordingly.
Don’t waste your time. Netflix is a beautiful thing. Just make sure that you’re binge-watching after you’ve finished everything you need to accomplish for the week.
Find a study buddy. This is pretty self-explanatory. Find a friend and do your work with them. Whether you’re studying the same thing or not, it can still be a big advantage to have someone there with you to keep you motivated (and sane).
If you’re getting ready for an exam, study your notes within one day after taking them. Then, spend a few minutes studying them each day. Retention rates are much higher this way!
Turn off all distractions. Make sure that when you’re working, you’re actually focused. You’ll be much more efficient when your attention is going toward only one thing. Another helpful tip is to keep some sort of clock with you (perhaps a watch), but don’t constantly check the time on your phone. You’re likely to get distracted if you pick up your phone to quickly check the time but then see three texts, a new follower on Twitter and five Instagram notifications waiting for you.
Stay healthy. Take care of yourself! Eat wholesome foods, stay properly hydrated, get some sun whenever you can and get as much sleep as possible. To be able to get work done, it’s important to have some energy.
Stay tidy and organized. Finding order can be a long process, but look for a system that works well for you. Especially with fall break coming up, it’s important to know where everything is; it will make your life a lot easier. (Plus, then you can impress your mom with how clean you’ve kept your room. Brownie points are never a bad thing.)
Don’t fuss about unimportant details. This applies to your work as well as your personal life. Keep your eyes on the prize and don’t let anything get in your way!
Don’t get frustrated if you feel like you’re in the library much more or much less than your friends. Everyone’s schedule is different, and everyone’s workload is different. Some people might have a ton of things to do this week, but others may not. Get your own tasks done and let everyone else worry about themselves. Once you’re done, see if there’s anything you can do to help someone else.
Don’t be too hard on yourself when you get stumped. Getting flustered will only complicate things and waste precious time. Take a deep breath and move on.
Relax! If you let the stress get to you, the week will only seem harder! Like I said: take a deep breath and move on.
Don’t forget: It’s called fall break for a reason. Work hard to get all of your assignments done on time, then use as much as you possibly can of the much-needed vacation to chill out, recuperate and catch up with family and friends. Have an awesome fall break, Etown!