As students who have decided to attend in-person classes continue to arrive at Elizabethtown College, it becomes increasingly difficult for many to continue to follow the rules of the pandemic, especially social distancing. There is a resurgence of the temptation of early days of the pandemic, to just shrug it off and hang out with friends anyway. However, it was a dangerous idea then, and it continues to be one now.
That isn’t to say that students should hold themselves in isolation. Some people have suggested that physical distancing would be a more appropriate label for what we ought to be doing. This is because while we are not meant to be too close to one another, at times of unrest it is more important than ever to maintain social relationships.
For returning students, this means getting to see some of their friends who they haven’t seen since March. This is super exciting! I am so excited to see my friends that it becomes tempting to try and bend the rules, but for the sake of health and safety, there are always things that can be just as fun.
For now, since the weather has been clinging to late summer splendor, some of the best ways to safely hang out with friends is by doing so outside. There are many ways that students can comfortably study, eat or just hang out with friends while still maintaining six feet of distance between them. Some areas outside of the College are specifically set up for this.
For this semester, the tables and chairs on the BSC patio are set for safe social distancing. The patio is a great place to study with friends and eat food from the Jay’s Nest or Marketplace To Go.
The blue adirondack chairs around campus have also been set up at safe distances from one another. They shouldn’t be moved, which is an issue if you have more people than chairs set in a cluster, but for a few friends these chairs are good for eating, studying or simply sitting and talking.
Lake Placida continues to be one of the best places to take a walk with a friend, or a group of friends. Alternately, the track works if you prefer a less nature based walk. If you want an even more nature filled experience, remember that the College has a lovely path that goes through the woods and meadows. Entrances to one path are by the baseball field and straight past the Bowers Writers House.
For students who enjoy being a little active, the Dell or the field across from Wolf Field are both good places to throw a frisbee, a ball or anything else.
Also, don’t rule out any other spaces on campus! Get out there and have a picnic in the grass! Some students have been making use of the grills outside the apartments — have a cookout if you’re able. So get out there; see your friends, but do so safely!