Professors’ office hours allow time to ask questions, form relationships

Professors’ office hours allow time to ask questions, form relationships

A class syllabus is an extremely beneficial and critical document. Most syllabi consist of the schedule, homework assignments and other class-related sections. On the top of every syllabus, the professor adds his or her office hours. Office hours are times outside of class where students can find professors in their offices to ask for help, have someone to talk to or to solve an issue. But some may ask the question: do students use office hours? If so, how often are they used?

Senior Ellyn Frisch has had several years to take advantage of a professor’s office hours. “Office hours are definitely useful. I get to touch base with my professors regarding assignments and understanding of the material. I do not attend office hours regularly, but I definitely use the opportunity to meet with my professors before an exam or before an assignment is due, if necessary.”

Some students do not use office hours regularly. Most office hours are taken advantage of if students need help. They are mostly used if a student has a question or is unclear of something. Professors may see an influx of students right before an exam or big project is due.

Another positive about office hours is getting to know your professor on a deeper level. “I like them because it’s a good opportunity to build a relationship with a professor while at the same time getting help with the class. Office hours have been helpful for me because it gives me a time to talk with a professor who I don’t know as well as professors I have in my major,” senior Christine Evangelista said.

Although first-year Jason Weitzman is new to the system of office hours, he has quickly become a fan. “I find them highly beneficial. I visited my math and biology professors. One helped me with my schedule, and the other helped me further understand the material.” He also explained that his professors have several office hours during the week which gives him flexibility to stop by.

Although the majority of students find office hours useful, some do not. Sophomore Kierra Swisher felt very passionate about this, saying, “I think they’re stupid. A lot of them are during when I have classes. If they’re only in their offices when I am in classes, I can never see them.”

There are ways around this frustration, however, by making appointments with professors if you can not make their office hours. Many students email their professors before stopping by to make sure the professor is in his or her office. A first-year source sided with Swisher’s feelings saying, “I hate office hours. Half the time the professors aren’t even there.” Some students don’t pay attention to the office hours and only stop by when it’s convenient for them. Junior Jade Bartlett said, “I don’t pay attention to them. If I need to talk to a professor, I just stop by to see if they’re there, and if they are, I talk to them.”

Personally, I am a big fan of office hours. I think that they are a great tool for students. Although most students only use them when they have an issue, I think they should take advantage of them more often. It’s a fantastic way to get to know your professors and know them on a professional level. The College’s small class size allows for more individual attention in class and outside of class. Tutors and friends in the class are great for help, but no one knows the material as well as the professor. I encourage all students to take advantage of office hours more regularly.