This new hit show has heated up Netflix’s selection pool. This nostalgic childhood favorite has been turned into an enthralling game show. “The Floor is Lava” takes three teams of three and pits them against each other. Whichever team has the most people to get across the room (or the fastest time if there is a tie), wins $10,000. Each episode features different rooms that the teams must traverse to reach the door. Some of them have secret things hidden in the room to make certain different routes open. There are tons of different ways to get around the room and to the exit. A lot of the time, the fastest way to reach the exit requires the help of a teammate to either open up the way or use something simultaneously to get them across. The longer it takes them to cross, the less stairs available to use at the exit as they sink into lava. Watching people cross the dangerous and slippery terrain is most children’s fantasy when they are younger. It is almost magical to see it come to life. The show now has three seasons, but is supposed to be renewed for a fourth season in June of this year. If you have Netflix, and haven’t yet seen this show, I strongly suggest you watch it.