Letters to the Editor: We want to hear from you

Letters to the Editor: We want to hear from you

Do you have something on your mind that you’d like to talk about? Want to open up a dialogue on campus? Enjoy writing professionally or just for a hobby? The Etownian has an opportunity for you!

The Etownian welcomes viewpoints from our readers (current students, alumni, faculty, staff, and parents) to be published as Letters to the Editor or Guest Editorials.

In the recent past, the Campus Life Section has accepted opinion editorials from on-campus and community contributors (long-time readers of the Etownian remember the insightful commentary of a certain business professor’s alter ego, known as “Homer”).

As our campus changes, we’d like to know what members of our community care about. Letters to the Editor are an opportunity to have a conversation with the campus and offer answers and reactions to the changes that happen on campus.

So, what can you write about?

The answer is simple: anything Etown! Whether you connect current events with on-campus events or just want to talk about things relevant to the campus, write it down. Mostly, we’re looking for direct reactions to articles featured in the Etownian or events happening on campus.

Although we welcome all opinions, we do maintain our professional standards in all things. Please refer to the rules and regulations below to get an idea of the expectations we have for contributing writers.

1).Our staff reserves the right to edit any letter or editorial to be consistent with AP style.

2). Because of the volume of submissions, we may not be able to publish every piece we receive. If we choose to publish your work, we will be in touch.

3). All writers should include their name and class year (for faculty and staff, please include your title) with your submission. All writers should also include an email address so that we can reach you. In the event that we choose to publish your work, we will contact you to confirm that this is your original writing. Please submit your work to editor@etown.edu.

4). Letters to the Editor should be between 250-300 words and should respond directly to content previously published in The Etownian. Because we are a newspaper, we strive to keep our content timely. Letters written in response to content from the previous issue have the best chance of being published.

5). Guest Editorials can be about any topic that you find relevant and interesting – and that you think would be relevant and interesting to an Elizabethtown College audience. Guest editorials should be between 700-750 words.

6). Please avoid offensive, extremist, and inflammatory language in your writing.

7). No writer can be published more than three times in a semester.

The Etownian wants to continue being an open space for discussion. As a student newspaper, we want to talk to and advocate for other students on campus.

Your input is important to us and we want to hear it! If you have an idea for a Letter to the Editor or a Guest Editorial, send it to editor@etown.edu.

We hope to hear from students, faculty, alumni and staff as the semester continues. Your voice matters!