Horoscopes: What Emoticon matches your zodiac sign?

Horoscopes: What Emoticon matches your zodiac sign?

Texting has become a main form of communication for the current generation. Since texting’s invention, emoticons have also existed.  Emoticons utilized characters on the keypad to make faces, expressions or objects. Let’s see which emoticon matches each of the zodiac signs. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Gemini are talkative, making them come off as bubbly or outgoing. Because they are seen as positive people, Gemini gets C: which is a smiley face. It’s likely that Gemini makes a face like C: when they’re caught rambling about a topic. 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Cancers are aware of how others perceive them and hide how they feel to make others feel better. Due to that, Cancers get ;’) which is a smiling, winking crying face. This face depicts how Cancers, even at their lowest, try to put on a brave face for their loved ones. 

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22): Leos are cool cats; they have a natural affinity to draw people in even without wanting to. 8D is a smiling face with sunglasses, and it matches Leo’s bravado perfectly. Sunglasses and a smile are Leo’s vibe, even when they’re not smiling or wearing sunglasses. 

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22): Virgos have this ethereal nature to them, almost like they have transcended human flaws. Since they have an angelic presence, Virgo gets O:) which is a smiling face with a halo. It’s obvious that Virgos are not saintly or above everyone else, but they do give that impression without meaning to. 

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22): Libras, when they’re not playing judge, are hopeless romantics with the ability to get whoever they want. <3 is a heart, and it’s what Libra gives sparingly to their chosen partner. While Libra may be a hopeless romantic, they aren’t desperate, they choose their lovers wisely. 

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21): Scorpios find themselves bored with the public, not wanting to entertain what they see as not worth their time. Due to this, they get ^_^ which is a straight face with upturned eyes. This face represents the expression Scorpio gives when they want to be alone but also don’t feel like being rude about it. 

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): Sagittarius are thrill seekers, wanting to be on the go constantly. Since Sagittarius finds joy from adventure, they get :>, which is a smiling face. Exploring is Sagittarius’s favorite pastime, so it makes sense that they’d wear a bright smile as they do so. 

Capricorn (Dec. 21 – Jan. 20): Capricorns are productive, never resting until their project is done. Stagnation is boring for Capricorns, so they get :\, which is a face of indifference or boredom. The innate drive to get things done is so strong in Capricorns that they often find rest to be a hindrance or a waste of time. 

Aquarius (Jan. 21 – Feb. 18): Aquarius likes to behave outside of social norms, stretching what is considered acceptable. 😛 is a face with the tongue sticking out and is exactly the face Aquarius will make whenever they feel like it. While Aquarius is not rude, they do like to do what they want and will be firm about their convictions. 

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20): Pisces are emotional and expressive people, unable to hide how they really feel. :3 is a smiling cat face, which embodies the happiness Pisces can’t hide when they feel it. It’s not uncommon to see Pisces express joy, but it is always in a way that brightens everyone’s mood. 

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries have a reckless abandonment when it comes to life, acting before thinking. This behavior matches >:), which is a mischievous smiley face. It’s common to see Aries making this face when they get into something they know they shouldn’t have but do it anyway. 
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Taurus are the best at taking care of their peace since they prioritize their comfort. Because of that, they get (-_-)zzz which is a sleeping face. Sleeping is one of Taurus’s favorite ways to self-soothe since they can be alone and let their body heal.

Cassidy Rohrman