Horoscopes: New changes with the spring equinox

Horoscopes: New changes with the spring equinox

Happy spring, Blue Jays! With the Spring Equinox on March 20, we’ve officially entered a new season. With more sunlight, longer days and incoming warmer weather, this season is shaping up to be a good one. But what does this all mean for your sign? Use your sun, moon and rising signs for the most well-rounded reading!

Aquarius- Always independent, you, dear Aquarius like to be in control. But the Spring Equinox is a time of change, so it may be putting some stress on you as a threat to your personal command. To regain that feeling, dive into a new hobby—it will occupy your mind and challenge you.

Pisces- The Spring Equinox marks the start of spring, but also the end of Pisces season. While you’ll still feel the refreshing start of a new season, you may also feel a need for contemplation and reflection. Don’t push it away—allow yourself to turn inwards and self-improve.

Aries- Happy Aries season! It’s officially your moment, and we’re all just living in it. With that, expect productivity and success in this new season. Let this month dedicated to you drive you, but make sure you take the time to rest up here and there.

Taurus- As the weather gets nicer and your senses heightening, now is the time for you, dear Taurus, to reconnect with nature. Study outside, lay in the sun, go for a walk—no matter the activity, immersing yourself in nature will refresh you for spring.

Gemini- With Mars in Gemini, your world may feel like it’s spinning all over the place. Now is the time for balance and a serious contemplation about where you want to spend your energy—ditching the bad energy in favor of things that bring you joy is the way to go.

Cancer- Dear Cancer, your ruler—the moon—entered a new phase directly after the Spring Equinox occurred. Safe to say, this is the perfect time for you to start anew. Take advantage of this period of twofold refreshing, reinvigorating your home space for a new season.

Leo- The Spring Equinox is all about the Sun—your ruler. Even though it’s not Leo season, any time when the Sun is at the center of attention is a moment for you to shine, dear Leo. Take this time to analyze the darker parts of yourself and bring them into the light, washing them anew.

Virgo- A sign of balance, the Spring Equinox is a time that eases your mind. This need for stability is increased by Neptune entering Pisces, sending you into an opposition. Consider some self-care and calming techniques to maintain the equilibrium you so desire.

Libra- This Spring Equinox, with its equal day and equal night makes your fair heart happy. Take advantage of your refreshed demeanor to sit down with your emotions—perhaps through journaling or meditation—and prepare for the new season.

Scorpio- Right after the Spring Equinox, your ruling planet, Pluto, entered Aquarius on March 23. With this, you may feel curiosity and creativity bubbling to the surface, transforming you from the inside out. Let it take hold—embrace the new season with a fresh mindset.

Sagittarius- Where balance comforts others, it makes you, dear Sagittarius, feel stifled. To work through this feeling brought about by the Spring Equinox, let your spontaneity reign—stay safe, but allow yourself to indulge in something that makes your heart race.

Capricorn- Shortly after the Spring Equinox, Pluto, the planet that rules beginnings and ends, left your sign, which it’s been sitting in since 2008. Capitalize on the freedom that comes along with this and take the time to write down some goals for the new season—you’ll have a newfound sense of refreshment in pursuing them.