Use your sun, moon and rising signs for a more rounded reading!
Aquarius: Make sure your ego doesn’t get in the way of accepting new opportunities in terms of relationships or job offers. Try not to make issues a bigger deal than they are and look at situations objectively.
Pisces: Put the passion you feel about a certain issue into action in order to get the most out of an experience or relationship. Thinking about something is a good first step, but “doing” is what will really make an impact.
Aries: Security and stability are a large part of your life right now. If you feel as though you’ve found that, don’t be afraid to take some risks and say yes to good opportunities. If you haven’t quite found that yet, make sure to surround yourself with a core group of people who make you feel safe, even when your environment feels unsettled.
Taurus: You may have a lot on your plate right now and while determination in your goals is important, it’s equally as important to know how much you can take. Think about cutting something out that isn’t serving you anymore or try delegating that thing to someone else who has the time and means to get it done.
Gemini: It seems as though something that’s been burdening you is about to be lifted soon. This may happen naturally, or you may need to step up and recognize that this task or responsibility is too heavy at this point in your life.
Cancer: Be confident in the fact that you’ve honed your skills and have the knowledge required to fulfill the next level of responsibilities. Your sincere efforts will be rewarded in various aspects of your life.
Leo: You may be feeling overwhelmed right now, so that’s even more reason to prioritize your mental and physical health. Make sure that as you complete energy-sucking activities or assignments, also include energy-giving endeavors into your routine. This could be a creative pursuit or even just walking through nature.
Virgo: Your practical nature will be an asset to you this coming week as school and work become more complicated. Trust your internal organizational system when it comes to taking on more responsibilities and important tasks.
Libra: When confronting a situation that requires diplomacy or cleverness to succeed, make sure you have all the information possible so the plan doesn’t backfire. Jumping into a new project or relationship too quickly or without all the facts may be too risky for you at this time.
Scorpio: This is your sign that you are on the right path. Stay the course and keep an eye out for a confident, feminine figure that may act as an advisor, mentor or confidant.
Sagittarius: Keep in mind that not everyone has your best interests at heart and may have a narrow-minded attitude. Compassion is certainly a first step, though you have to recognize (or take your friends’ advice) when a particular person shouldn’t have complete access to you anymore.
Capricorn: Right now, you may feel stagnant or stuck in whatever routine you have, whether that be in a relationship, school or work. It’s important to shake up whatever aspect of your life is feeling repetitive. Add in some new experiences or methods and see what works and fits with your life.