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Aries — Happy birthday, Aries! It’s a shame you can’t have as much of a celebration as you would like, but there are still upsides. Both the Sun and the Moon are in your sign, so you will be feeling secure in your decisions and emotions. Eris is in your sign right now, urging you to put a stop to things that go against your morals, and hey, why not? Set things right. Additionally, Chiron in your sign encourages you to take care of all aspects of your health. Maybe the best birthday gift to yourself should be some more self care. 


Taurus — What’s good, Taurus? Venus and Uranus are both still in your sign, keeping you true to your quirks and keeping your life harmonious. Venus also might drive you into an extra affectionate mindset. Tell the people in your life that you love them. Jupiter and Pluto are aligned, an unusual occurrence. For you, they’re in the ninth house of travel and higher learning. Perhaps travel is out of the question, but you would have good fortune in taking a significant leap into a new area of personal study. Learn something for your own sake instead of because it is assigned. 


Gemini — The new Moon in your house of communications is a blank slate to start over. Now, since you’ve got the opportunity, try reconnecting with some people in your life that you’ve fallen out of touch with. Also, Pluto and Mars just had a curious cross-by in your eighth house. Did you meet anyone new recently, Gemini? Seems like there could be some serious spark there, if you know anything about the eighth house. 


Cancer — Things are probably rough right now, huh, Cancer? Saturn is keeping you limited financially, and the planets have lined up in a way that brings your emotions closer to a boil than a typical warm medium. Take some time away from social media and your connections to the outside world. Just get in touch with yourself, and make sure nothing gets out of hand. 


Leo — Bold Mars and powerful Pluto have had their infrequent meetup in your sixth house of work and service. Try and channel this cosmic energy into a slam dunk week of online classes. Nothing like Zoom lectures and Canvas quizzes, right? Well, you can handle it, Leo, especially with Venus’ help as she moves through your 10th house of career. It’s a good week for professional progress. 


Virgo — Do you feel like you need a big change in your life, Virgo? If so, perhaps you have already begun the journey when the new Moon occurred in your house of transformations on Monday. Additionally, there has been a rare meetup of Mars and Pluto in your fifth house. That means you may be feeling some powerful desires to make a bold romantic move on someone in your life. Well, I say go for it, since Jupiter is also hanging out in the area, lending good fortune. 


Libra — Hello, Libra. Feeling alright? Supercharged Pluto and Mars in your fourth house of domesticity might be more than you can handle in an enclosed space right now. Time to do some spring cleaning, whether that be literal or in the metaphorical sense. If the things nearest to you aren’t bringing you joy, then it’s time for them to go. On a lighter note, there was a new Moon in your relationship house, suggesting a new bloom of emotions for someone. Maybe let them know! 


Scorpio — Woah there, Scorpio! Put the claws away! The Pluto and Mars alignment in your communication sector might make you feel like the best way to accomplish anything and everything is to make demands, but that’s not a great way to live. You run the risk of alienating people, and in a time of social distancing, I would try to keep your friends close.


Sagittarius — With the mandated isolation, you may be itching for something new to do, Sagittarius. Well, with the Sun still comfortably settled in your fifth house of recreation, you will certainly be able to find fun if you are looking for it. Delighting in every day isn’t immature, it’s elevated — as a Sagittarius you are open-minded and good-humored enough to know that. 


Capricorn — It seems like there’s a lot going on in your life right now, Capricorn. At least, it seems like there should be based on the planets all crowding within your sign. Pluto, Mars and Jupiter are throwing a massive amount of energy your way, and it isn’t necessarily a good thing. Jupiter lends you good fortune, but Pluto and Mars both add an intensity that if not handled wisely can lead to you being difficult to deal with. 


Aquarius — Hey, Aquarius! I’ve got some bad news: Saturn is in your sign. If you’ve been feeling more withdrawn lately or like you’re limited, that would be why. Even worse, Saturn will not be leaving for a while, though it will retrograde after May 10. Your ruling planet Uranus is in Taurus, which might lead to you thinking about financial matters more than you typically would. I know being isolated in your home can be boring, but don’t just spend money to keep yourself occupied! 


Pisces — I trust that you’ve been handling the social distancing fairly well, Pisces. Neptune should be keeping you idealistic about your circumstances and give you more compassion for those who are suffering in these hard times. Mercury is in your sign as well, making you communicative where you are usually introspective. Direct that energy into Zoom calls and FaceTime and you’ll be just fine!