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Hello, everyone! It’s your friendly neighborhood astrologist. I’m certain you’re being told again and again, but here is just one more reminder to take proper precautionary measures against COVID-19. Even if the stars are pushing you to do something, it’s all about how you channel that energy. Stay smart and stay healthy!


Pisces — Hello, Pisces! Mercury has entered your sign, which might make you chattier than normal. Call someone up or video chat with your friends from school. Neptune is also in your sign, so try to let its dreamy and idealistic spirit help you in this difficult time. This Friday, both confident Mars and lucky Jupiter enter your eleventh house of friendship and collaboration. It seems like with those two and Mercury on your side, you will be able to maintain your social life remotely. 


Aries — We’re getting close to that time of year, Aries. Get hype! This Friday, March 20, begins Aries season again! Time for all those big plans you have, but don’t be too impulsive, Aries. However, with that in mind, your ruling planet Mars is aligned with Jupiter in the 10th house. The 10th house controls career and reputation, so having a boost to prosperity on bold moves does suggest you should go for it. Hey, you’re an Aries. Just go for it! 


Taurus — You haven’t been taking the social distancing thing well, have you, Taurus? If you have, I’m sorry to tell you it’s either about to get much easier or harder. Chatty Mercury has moved into your 11th house of friendships. You might feel a stronger need to talk to your friends, and if you handle it well and reach out then you will be in for some good conversations. If you push down this need, it’s only going to get stronger. Don’t isolate your mind, Taurus. Just your body. 


Gemini — Lucky you, Gemini, for having individualistic and inventive Uranus in your sign until mid-August. That certainly is a long-lasting bonus. For now, you also have Venus in your sign which will keep you feeling affectionate and well balanced. Friday, Mars and Jupiter meet up in your eighth house. Use this bold and lucky energy to meet your needs — whatever that means for you. Of course, don’t make any poor choices. We are in a state of national emergency, after all. 


Cancer — Virus or no virus, it’s time for you to get some stuff done, Cancer. Aries season means the Sun is hanging out in your tenth house of success. So, use this variation in your schedule to achieve everything you can during this fired-up time of year. A quick warning: don’t let a winning-streak make you overconfident. Remember your empathy. 


Leo — Sorry, Leo. The Sun has moved into your ninth house, which naturally makes you want to travel to new places. If there was a worse time for it, I can’t come up with it. Since you can’t actually get out and go to new places, especially not ones that you would need to fly to, try and scratch that itch in another way. Look at pictures from a past adventure or plan a new one for when this all blows over. For now, your best bet is to stay put, even if the stars are urging you to do otherwise.  


Virgo — Mercury is moving through your relationship house again, this time with direct motion. Did you have any disagreements when it was in retrograde? If so, now is the time to talk about them and lay any grudges to rest. Speaking of relationships, with the Sun in your eighth house, now would be a reasonable time to consider your most intimate relationships. Of course, with social distancing it’s not a good time to be going out to meet people, Virgo. With that in mind, the eighth house is also for rebirths. Is now the time to reinvent yourself? The Sun says yes. 


Libra — The Sun has moved to your seventh house of relationships and will stay there until mid-April. If you are in a relationship, you may be feeling a little more clingy than usual. If you are single, you might be feeling a little lonelier. Whichever camp you belong to, or if you’re somewhere in between, social distancing may feel like it makes meeting your romantic needs impossible. Remember how lovely it can be to receive other gestures, though. Maybe send an email, record a message or draw a picture to remind someone that you are thinking of them. Gosh, why not write them a poem? Try it, Libra!  


Scorpio — Bored with being at home, Scorpio? Well, I’ve got a little good news: now is a great time for you to take on a new hobby! Mercury can turn your thoughts to leisure and creative processes due to its stay in your fifth house. So, try something new, Scorpio! Or, otherwise, the Sun is in your sixth house and thinks now is a great time to do some cleaning. Either way, no need to be bored when there is so much you can be doing. 


Sagittarius — It’s Aries season, so the Sun is in your fifth house, Sagittarius. The fifth house is one for recreation and leisure and the Sun represents the self. This suggests that maybe what you need in your life is a physical activity to keep you busy. Move around, Sagittarius! If you can’t think of anything else to do, just go for a little walk. One last piece of good news: Saturn is finally leaving your second house of finance. Saturn has been putting limitations on your budget for three years, but as of this weekend, no more of that nonsense! 


Capricorn — Good news, Capricorn! Aries season means the Sun is in your fourth house, which controls your home life. The stars are actually suggesting you stay at home! Seems like social distancing and self-quarantine was timed just right for you, my friend. This Saturday, your ruling planet Saturn will be leaving your sign for Aquarius. While this may sound like a bad thing, it will allow for some of your traits that are a bit too intense to mellow out. Think of this as an opportunity to work on becoming more well-balanced. That’s not a bad thing at all!


Aquarius — This Saturday, Saturn will be entering your sign, Aquarius. This will help you keep practical goals, which is good since you sometimes shoot too high and end up with your head in the clouds. It’s not bad to be original or inventive, but Saturn will make sure you don’t take it too far. The Sun has moved into your third house of communication. If you have any larger than life ideas, talk them out with someone else first, ideally a Capricorn.