Written by: Catherine Amos, Kayla Anderson, Lila Bolze, Lucy Conrey, Giselle Taylor
Hearing the phrase “finals week” can send chills through our bones. We know that finals week can be stressful, tiring and busy, so this week we compiled a list of nine useful tips to help you simplify your study strategies. We believe that simplifying your life can help you improve your performance before and during your tests! We hope these tips help you to experience greater success this finals’ season and encourage you to establish good habits for future semesters.
During the week prior to finals, be sure to:
1. Tidy your workspace. Simplify your study time by removing all unnecessary distractions. Clear your workspace prior to studying so the clutter doesn’t distract you.
2. Utilize studying apps. Use the StudyTime app to stay on track! Set a timer on the app, and StudyTime will bombard you with notifications and gifs to get you back on track if you try to open your phone. You can also utilize the Quizlet app to make flashcards and study on the go.
3. Take breaks. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much studying. If you do, you’ll burn out and you won’t do as well come finals week. By studying in increments, your information retention will greatly improve.
4. Eat a healthy breakfast. Frontrunners of the Slow Food movement specify that eating fresh and healthy food can help you to feel better and improve your performance on tests.
Immediately prior to every final:
5. Take a moment for gratitude. Dwelling on something you’re grateful for has many benefits including increased happiness, positive feelings and improved physical health. Doing this right before any final or presentation will help put you in the right mindset to ace your final.
6. Dress confidently. Wearing formal attire or your favorite outfit to your finals will help you feel confident and improve your test scores.
7. Don’t cram for your test. This increases stress levels and negatively impacts your ability to concentrate.
During your final:
8. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional stress. By tapping on the body’s meridian points (energy hot spots), you can restore balance to your body’s energy. This is a simple solution for stress relief that you can engage in even during the exam.
9. Focus on breathing patterns. Once you get your exam, be sure to take a deep breath and center yourself before starting your test. It’s important to be calm and confident when you start.
Applying this knowledge will make for a less stressful finals week. There are several de-stressing techniques that will enhance your performance during finals week. By focusing on your stress levels before and during finals, you can see direct results in your test scores. We hope you find these techniques helpful, and remember, it is just a score! Although you may forget this during finals week, let us assure you, you will be okay! Good luck on your finals and check us out on twitter at #EtownSimplified!